Thursday, February 27, 2020

When work comes home; Coping Strategies of Teleworkers and their Essay

When work comes home; Coping Strategies of Teleworkers and their Families - Essay Example What paradigm is the author writing within, Critical or uncritical? The term critical refers the rational arguments and logic to explain questions and to weigh up evidence to support claims (Goatly, 2000). The authors use a critical paradigm for their work, with the help of which they build their arguments and present their data eventually leading to evaluation which supports what the authors are trying to portray. The information in this research paper is based both on primary data collection as well as secondary data obtained from various literature sources. The primary information was collected through structured and semi-structured interviews with numerous participants. This information was then categorized into representative case studies which illustrated various home and work situations. The paper follows a logical order of arguments throughout. The purpose of the paper is highlighted in the beginning. Teleworking and "coping strategies† along with various definitions and explanations of â€Å"work† and â€Å"home† are presented as the writers identify both as two separate discourses and the different temporal regimes they â€Å"draw on†. The writing criticizes the co existence of work and home in the same environment. In their selection of the research sample the writers recognize their limitations and clearly state that their â€Å"findings cannot be generalized to other telework groups...† The evidence leading to the conclusion is presented adequately. Is there any bias in the paper? If so, what? Incomplete descriptions limit the overall understanding of the participants in the research therefore greatly impacting the interpretations and applications of the research findings .

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Private Life Should Mean What It Says Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Private Life Should Mean What It Says - Essay Example It was therefore not considered to be offensive. Later in October of 1999 when he was asked to declare the organizations with which he was associate, among them he listed the House of Roissy, which did such activities as fire acts and the merchandising of products that were connected with domination bondage and sadomasochism. It was also his acknowledgement that he performed in fetish and hedonist clubs but contended that such would not bring his employers to disrepute. The Assistant Chief of Probation considered this activity as unsuitable for a probation officer. The Human Resource Officer had no issue with the fact that the employee had another paid job outside his normal employment but whether or not, given that he was a public servant and a member of the criminal justices system, working with sexual offenders and several other groups that were considered vulnerable, the employees activities during his private time were commensurate with the role that he was playing in the societ y and if the public could trust him. This is despite the fact that they had not been offended by his performance but rather by the fact that he was expressing himself in a way that would otherwise be considered offensive by the victims of the people he was dealing with. The employee was dismissed and his dismissal was upheld when he appealed. It was the view of both disciplinary panels that the probation service had the responsibility to the public to show them that it had integrity and so did its officers and that if the public knew the activities that this particular employee was engaged in, it could ruin the reputation of the service. This is based on the fact that probation in itself was aimed at reforming the people in the society who were now considered a... This report stresses that the law of unfair dismissal is a part of private and not public law. So are many regulations that government employment, in both public and private sector. While there are regulations that may be in the interest of the public, private remains exactly that, private. There are many principles of public law that have been imported into the regulations that govern the relationship between an employee and his employer because of the rules of natural justice. This is mostly because these two share several common and essential features especially in the review of decisions and the manner in which such decisions are made and reached. This paper makes a conclusion that given the inevitable compromise and balance between work life and private life and the commitments involved in both particularly in matters relation to family issues, it is necessary to strike a balance between what is significant to the reputation of the employers or the duties of an employee and what is not. The reality of the circumstance that surrounds every case has to be considered. What should also be reviewed are the terms and conditions of employment, be they express or implied. This is because letting employers determine what affects their reputation or firm would amount to giving them permission to arbitrarily termination employment contracts on the basis of factors which they consider to be in contravention of the terms of their employment while it is possible they are just negatively stereotyped towards certain activities or beliefs of the employee.