Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Fantastic Author Of The World s Most Wonderful Children

Biographical Summary The fantastic author of the world’s most wonderful children’s stories is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, or better known by his pen name, Lewis Carroll (Heath). Coming from a clerical family in Cheshire, England, Dodgson grew up to be a fairly interesting mathematician, deacon, and writer (Heath). Ultimately prospering in the art and absurdity of children’s literature, which is what Carroll is best known for today. Who would later become the famous â€Å"Lewis Carroll†, was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. He was born January twenty seventh, 1832, as the third of eleven total children to Frances and Reverend Charles Dodgson, whom he was named after (Tyle). Growing up, Charles Dodgson was raised by gentle mother and a father who†¦show more content†¦Some psychoanalysts argue that these supposed friendships were pedophelic while other agrue that they were harmless, but still fascinating, and make his literary words even more enticing (Heath). Regardless, Dodgson often spent afternoons with the daughters, creating fanciful stories on a whim. The youngest of which was Alice, who one day prompted Dodgson to create an improvised story that would one day become what generations know as Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Tyle). It was first put into print when young, Alice begged Carroll to write the story down so she could later reread the wonderful tale (Tyle). Once he had decided he w ould publish the story, illustrations were added by John Tenniel and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was published in 1865 (Tyle). Due to its profound success, Carroll penned the less popular sequel known as Through The Looking Glass and What Alice Found There, published in 1872 (Tyle). Following this publication, Carroll received much praise for how he depicted logic throughout the story (Tyle). Being an extremely math-oriented person, Carroll included some of his own mathematical findings involving logic, syllogism, and construction of puzzles into almost everything he ever wrote (Ables). In fact, in terms of quantity, most of what Carroll wrote was mathematical rather than fiction, but it is his

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Types Of Internet Network For A Home Area Network Essay

Contents Page No. †¢ Introduction 2 †¢ Types of Internet Network 2 †¢ Networking Devices 3 †¢ Han Architecture 3 †¢ Transmission Media 3 †¢ Cables 4 †¢ Future Trends in HAN 4 †¢ HAN Security Issues 5 †¢ Common Infrastructure Issues 6 †¢ How to Secure HAN 7 †¢ Conclusions 9 †¢ Reference 10 HOME AREA NETWORK A Home Area Network is an interconnection in which some networking devices are connected with each other for sharing resources between them with the help of internet. The main advantage of Home Area Network is that you can share different type of content i.e. videos, audios etc. among different users. A computer with large storage memory can be used as server which can be easily accessed by the clients and users can easily access the data whenever they wanted to access. As in Home Area Network everything i.e. Resources, Data, Information etc. is shared so each user can use devices like Printers, Scanners which will be very cheap. Also another main advantage of Home Area Network is that there is no need to buy several different Public IP Address’s for different devices, administrator of network can only have single Public IP Address and assign this public IP address to a modem or a router, while a modem or a router in turn assigns a private IP address to each device to access t he internet. Many people are turning to their home computers for both work and entertainment. Some companiesShow MoreRelatedWhat The User Uses Use A Specific Lan For A Local Area Network ( Lan ) Essay1508 Words   |  7 Pages†¢ Describe what the user mainly use a specific LAN for A local area network (LAN) is a computer network within a small environmental area such as a home, school, computer laboratory, office building or group of buildings. A LAN is composed of inter-connected workstations and personal computers which are each capable of accessing and sharing data and devices, such as printers, scanners and data storage devices anywhere on the LAN. LANs are characterized by higher communication and data transfer ratesRead MoreWired Wireless Lans1484 Words   |  6 Pagesdesigner of a wireless networks. Answer 1:- Introduction: LAN is a  local Area Network and a computer network covering a small physical area, like a home, office, restaurant or small group of buildings, such as a school, a college or an airport. Although a LAN can be used as an isolated network to connect computers in an organization for the sole purpose of sharing resources, most LANs today are also linked to a wide area network or the Internet. A  LAN  can be one of two types:  wired  or  wireless. ARead MoreHow To Set Up A Home Network Essay1205 Words   |  5 Pagesthe practice of linking two or more computing devices together for the purpose of sharing data. Some people ask why should I need to set up a home network. There are several advantages to setting up a home network. Often you might want a file or program theyve downloaded from the Net to be available to all of the computers at home. With a home network files can be shared more conveniently, faster eliminating passing files around on floppies or CD and sharing files. You can also copy or moveRead MoreLocal Area Network ( Wan )1547 Words   |  7 PagesLAN stands for local area network and is normally a group of computers that share a common communications line typically, connected devices share the resources of a single processor or server within a small area such as an office. A LAN may serve as few as two or three users such as in a home network or as many as thousands of users such as a FDDI network. WAN A Wide Area Network (WAN) is a communication network made up of computers that are far away from each other. The most common example ofRead MoreNetworks And Standards Of Network1582 Words   |  7 PagesNetworks and Standards In this piece of work I will talk about different network types, topologies, architectures and specify the standards and protocols often related to them. Furthermore I will discuss network hardware and software required by a PC to join a network and access shared resources. Finally, I will look into different network services provided by the networks and the Internet. Network Types Personal are network PAN is a computer network which is there to communicate with other computerisedRead MoreWireless Networking1370 Words   |  6 PagesWIRELESS NETWORKING Introduction A  wireless network  is any type of  computer network  that uses wireless data connections for connecting  network nodes .Wireless networking is a method by which homes, telecommunications networks  and enterprise (business).Installations avoid the costly process of introducing cables into a building, or as a connection between various equipment locations.  Wireless  telecommunications networks are generally implemented and administered using  radio communication. This implementationRead MoreDifferent Types Of Computer Networks915 Words   |  4 PagesThere are many different types of computer networks. The most simple and common types are LAN, MAN and WAN. Let’s start by identifying what is a simple network. By definition â€Å"a simple network is formed when two or more computers are connected to each other†. (Gtelco) The digital information from the first computer is transferred to the second via a Network Interface Card (NIC), that information is translated in to a network language. That information travels via the connection (most common connectionRead MoreComputer Networking1332 Words   |  6 Pagesor devices. A computer network is any set of computers or devices connected to each other with the ability to exchange data. It is sometimes considered a sub-discipline of telecommunications, computer science, information technology and computer engineering since it relies heavily upon the theoretical and practical application of these scientific and engineering disciplines. There are three types of networks namely: Internet, intranet, and extranet. A computer network, often simply referredRead MoreOnline Tutorials Related On Network Administration Topics Essay1185 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction This assignment asks us to evaluate online tutorials related to network administration topics. In this case, we are to evaluate the online tutorial, covering networking basics. Our evaluation should include a brief discussion of what the tutorial teaches, significant technical terms learned, areas for improvement, and our experience using the tutorial. The networking basics tutorial teaches the history of networking, starting with the invention of theRead MoreApplication Server : A Server1666 Words   |  7 Pages 1) Server - A server is a computer or a device which is connected on a network that is managing all the network data. There are many types of servers, for example file server, database server, print server, etc. Client – A client is part of a client server, a client runs on a personal computer or in most cases on a work station and relies on the server to perform some of the operations. For example, an email client is an app that enables you to send and receive emails. Router – The router is a

Friday, December 13, 2019

Strategic Management and Personal Media Players Free Essays

Apple, Inc. in 2010 Assignment Questions 1. What are the chief elements of Apple’s overall competitive strategy? How well do the pieces fit together? Is the strategy evolving? 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Management and Personal Media Players or any similar topic only for you Order Now What are the key elements of Apple’s strategy in computers, personal media players, and smartphones? Have its strategies in its core businesses yielded success? Explain. 3. What does a competitive strength assessment reveal about Apple’s computer business, as compared to the leaders in the personal computer industry? Use the methodology in Table 4. to support your answer. Does it appear that the company’s competitive positions in personal media players and smartphones or stronger or weaker than its position in computers? 4. Does it make good strategic sense for Apple to be a competitor in the computer, personal media player, smartphone, and tablet computer industries? Are the value chain activities that Apple performs in computers, personal media players, tablet computers and smartphones very similar and â€Å"compatible† or are there very important differences from product to product? Which of the four products lines—computers, tablet computers, personal media players, or smartphones—do you think is most important to Apple’s future growth and profitability? Why? 5. What is your assessment of Apple Computer’s financial performance the past three years? (Use the financial ratios in Table 4. 1 on pages 94-96 of the text as a guide in doing your financial analysis. ) 6. What recommendations would you make to allow Apple to strengthen its position in its most important markets? What steps should it take to ensure that the iPad becomes a success in the marketplace and a major contributor to the company’s overall performance? Google’s Strategy in 2010* Assignment Questions 1. Discuss competition in the search industry. Which of the five competitive forces seem strongest? weakest? What is your assessment of overall industry attractiveness? 2. How is the search industry changing? What forces seem most likely to bring about major change to the industry within the next three to five years? 3. What are the key factors that define success in the industry? What are the key competencies, capabilities, and resources of successful search engine companies? 4. Describe Google’s customer value roposition and profit formula linked to its business model. What strategies has Google relied upon to build competitive advantage in the industry? 5. Have Google’s business model and strategy proven to be successful? Should investors be impressed with the company’s financial performance? How does the company’s financial performance compare to that of Microsoft and Yahoo? Please conduct a financ ial analysis to support your position—you may wish to use the financial ratios presented in the Table 4. 1 of the text as a guide in doing your financial analysis of the company. . What are the company’s key resources and competitive capabilities? What competitive liabilities and resource weaknesses does it have? What opportunities exist? What threats to its continued success are present? 7. What recommendations would you make to Google’s top-management team to sustain its competitive advantage in the search industry? How should it best capitalize on its strategic initiatives in mobile phones, cloud computing, emerging markets, and other ventures? Southwest Airlines in 2010: Culture, Values, and Operating Practices Assignment Questions . Is there anything that you find particularly impressive about Southwest Airlines? 2. What grade would you give Southwest management for the job it has done in crafting the company’s strategy? What is it that you like or d islike about the strategy? Does Southwest have a winning strategy? 3. What are the key policies, procedures, operating practices, and core values underlying Southwest’s efforts to implement and execute its low-cost/no frills strategy? 4. What are the key elements of Southwest’s culture? Is Southwest a strong culture company? Why or why not? What problems do you foresee that Gary Kelly has in sustaining the culture now that Herb Kelleher, the company’s spiritual leader, has departed? 5. What grade would you give Southwest management for the job it has done in implementing and executing the company’s strategy? Which of Southwest’s strategy execution approaches and operating practices do you believe have been most crucial in accounting for the success that Southwest has enjoyed in executing its strategy? Are the any policies, procedures, and operating approaches at Southwest that you disapprove of or that are not working well? 6. What weaknesses or problems do you see at Southwest Airlines as of mid-2010? 7. Does the AirTran acquisition make good strategic sense for Southwest? 8. What strategic issues and problems do Gary Kelly and Southwest executives need to address as they proceed to close the deal with the AirTran acquisition and contemplate how best to integrate AirTran’s operations and AirTran’s employees into Southwest? 9. What recommendations would you make to Gary Kelly and Southwest executives as the company heads into 2011? Competition in Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks and Vitamin-Enhanced Beverages Assignment Questions 1. What are the strategically relevant components of the global and U. S. beverage industry macro-environment? How do the economic characteristics of the alternative beverage segment of the industry differ from that of other beverage categories? Explain. 2. What is competition like in the alternative beverage industry? Which of the five competitive forces is strongest? Which is weakest? What competitive forces seem to have the greatest effect on industry attractiveness and the potential profitability of new entrants? 3. How is the market for energy drinks, sports drinks and vitamin-enhanced beverages changing? What are the underlying drivers of change and how might those forces individually or collectively make the industry more or less attractive? 4. What does your strategic group map of the energy drink, sports drink, and vitamin-enhanced beverage industry look like? Which strategic groups do you think are in the best positions? The worst positions? 5. What key factors determine the success of alternative beverage producers? 6. What recommendations would you make to Coca-Cola to improve its competitiveness in the global alternative beverage industry? to PepsiCo? to Red Bull GmbH? How to cite Strategic Management and Personal Media Players, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Purple free essay sample

Wow, have Stone Temple Pilots changed. Forget the unfair remarks about STPs music merely being recycled rock. And definitely forget about the endless Pearl Jam comparisons. Weiland and the boys are back with their new album,Purple to free your mind of any misconceptions you may have had about them in the past. Their music has an almost completely new style that they can genuinely call their own. Most of the songs follow this format: the melody starts out very soft and, just when you think its going to be a ballad, out comes a very potent song blasting through your speakers. Interstate Love Song would be a good example. It starts out with sort of a country intro. Yeah, I know country stinks, but trust me, STP make it work. Seconds later Dean DeLeo lets loose on his Fender. Army Ants is another good example. The song begins mellow and dazed, but then Eric Kretzs pulsating drumbeat aborts the monotone and Weiland starts yelling, You dont look but you kick me/You cant feel but you hit me. We will write a custom essay sample on Purple or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page While most of the songs are fast paced, there are a few soft tunes. Actually, some of the most subdued songs are also the most powerful. Big Empty, though very dim, is probably the most ardent song Ive ever heard from them. The softer songs also have the more personal lyrics. For instance,Still Remains is obviously about his wife: Love is still and sweat remains/A cherished gift unselfish feeling. Although this album isnt exactly emotionally cathartic, its also not one to be ignored. .