Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Market Research proposal report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Market Research proposal report - Essay Example The industry gives transport services for freight and also passengers. Businesses within the industry aim at making it very interesting to woo customers to desire to use services provided by the industry. The study of the industry reveals that there are political, economic, socio-cultural and legal factors that affect it. The Pest analysis should be used to analyze the environment in which the industry operates in. This simple analysis involves understanding the industry's political, economic, social, and technological environment with references to the various companies within the industry. (Massingham, et al. 1988) Political factors have a direct and indirect effect on the performance of the various companies within the airline industry. There are some decisions which have been made by the federal government of the United Kingdom which has really had a negative effect on the performance of the industry. For instance, in 2001, the federal government brought legal suits and made decisions to minimize the production and marketing of high performance to countries believed to be a threat to the security of U.K. This move impacted negatively to the general operations of companies within the industry. (Michael, 1985) The industry has also been affected by economic factors. These include: Currency exchange rate, interest rate policy, consumer factors, and fiscal policy rates. The industry has to adhere to the fluctuations in the market depending with how a consumer perceives the offered products. In the times of economic recession, less people use air transport because of the low affordability of this kind of transport. Hence the industry has continually suffered for lack of customers. Therefore, the industry makes minimal profits because of the few customers it is able to acquire at such times. (Jan, 2002) The market has also been affected by social factors. Forces within the society such as media, family and friends have affected the operations of companies within the industry. The media has played a role in influencing customers to believe that the services offered by the industry are of high quality. Social factors have affected the opinions, interests, and attitudes of the industry's potential customers. The industry's success can be greatly attributed to social factors. (Scholes, 1993) Technological factors have also played a role in affecting the industry's performance. The internet for example has assisted the industry to extend its global out reach. Most of the marketing mix strategies which the airline has used have kept in touch with changing technology and modernization in the ever changing world. E-commerce and Radio Frequency identification-RFID are some of the modern technological aspects embraced by the industry. The industry has tried to always keep abreast with technology. The modern technology present in the industry has given it a competitive edge over other related industries. The technology has also greatly increased the effectiveness of the services offered by the industry. (Schlesinger, 1991) Some of the services that can be introduced in to the industry include postal services. Here, letters and mails will be transported via planes to where they are needed. This enhances the speed of postal services in the world as a whole. The targeted customers will include rich business people who need to deliver mail to business people based in other parts of the world urgently. The cost of this service will

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Media Impact on Youth Violence Essay Example for Free

The Media Impact on Youth Violence Essay When we were children, there were only thirteen channels on television, only one house phone, there was no cellular phones and no computer but a typewriter in the house. We played outside, hopscotch, jump rope and stickball. Was not allow to watch primetime Television including the news, we was told its was for grown-ups. My, how times change from then to now, everywhere you turn you have access to some sort of media outlet, television with over hundreds channels in every language, almost everyone has a smart cellular phones, hand held video games, computers are made portable as laptops, tablets and iPads. Not to mention every social media you can think of, Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Myspace, and so forth. In today`s world the media is like a double edge sword and has been blamed for numerous of society’s down falls including youth violence, that has become one of the largest discussions in America. The media outlet have been accused for starting street arguments among rap artist, youth homicides, gun violence in schools and street gangs’ wars. Even though society shouldn’t be held accountable for the behavior of youth people, the media increases violence behavior because of the availability of media access and lack of parental control on the media. Youth violence can start at a very early age and continue onto adolescence and young adulthood. This behavior can be harmful to the youth involve in the violence or the victim. Youth violence is define in the CDC report, bullying, slapping, hitting, and causing physical and bodily harm to another person with or without weapons. Rampantly, youth violence is sweeping across United States becoming the second largest killer of youth (Prevention, 2012) ages 15 to 24. According to the recent study done by the CDC, â€Å"Understanding Youth Violence† (2012): â€Å"4,828 young people aged 10 to 24 were victims of homicide—an average of 13 each day—in 2010.1† â€Å"Over 707,000 young people aged 10 to 24 years had physical assault injuries treated in U.S. emergency departments in 2011—an average of 1,938 each day.1† â€Å"In a 2011 nationwide survey, about 33% of high school students reported being in a physical fight in the 12 months before the survey.† â€Å"About 5% of high school students in 2011 reported taking a weapon to school in the 30 days before the survey.† â€Å"In 2011, 20% of high school students reported being bullied on school property and 16% reported being bullied electronically.† â€Å"Each year, youth homicides and assault-related injuries result in an estimated $16 billion in combined medical and work loss costs.† â€Å"Understanding Youth Violence† (20 12): In the past, the two famous rap artists were victims of violence that led to their murders because of propaganda that generated finance in the music media and taken serious by the listening audience, which was mostly adolescence and young adults. The two victims were Christopher â€Å"Biggie Smalls† Wallace and Tupac Shakur. These artists lived two coast apart. Tupac was from the West Coast and Christopher was from the East Coast, which turned into an â€Å"East Coast and West Coast Beef.† As we take off the vial of truth, of how this started the bottom line is gang related. These artists used the music media as a source for their personal turf war. Music, a weapon for the war to fuel the misrepresentation and represents their gangs, â€Å"Bloods and Crips.† Street gangs are the response to direct interferences and indirect factors. People react differently to gangs; most people are in denial or in shock (Justice, 1999). Gangs are the urban answer to the community trying to solve an economic and demographic problem that they think, can be solved with violence. Their community is in a state where children grow up with no father and seek male guidance from the gang leader that in their eyes seem like the answer because he has money, and respected in the streets; this is what children in the urban community thinks is the way of life, money, power, and respect. Behind this concept, violence seems to be the answer to all problems. As, stated above the media would take this economic problem and call it â€Å"Black on Black Crime† and make it look like the people are just killing each other and the media sometimes glorify and make the gangs look like the thing to be because the street credit the media created for the person/s is rampant. Recently, school across the country in suburban America has been face with the increase in school violence. Let us look at the recent school shooting in Sandy Hook Elementary, CT, a community that was not affect by the inner city demographic such as impoverish neighborhoods, but are not invincible to the social and public media as this tragic news went viral throughout the airwaves. Cyber bullying also has become a source of youth violence, through the Internet, and cellphones, young people has found ways to hurt their peers by sending threating messages, posting rumors and harassing messages on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Cyber bullying can cause anxiety, depression, and been link to suicides. Young people has found this new platform in the media to humiliate there friends and impose emotional violence on another (Prevention C. f., 2012). My son was victim of cyber bullying that was also gang related. Facebook was as the medium to instigate and carry out actions that resulted in my son being shot. He was victimized electronically, which made him react with words in a rap and the counter-reaction resulted in gun violence. The media can be blame for the increase in youth violence especially, living in today`s cyber revolution, with ready available wifi and news at your fingertips. It difficult to block out and stay ignorant to the violence in the world around us, children’s cartoons, movies, video games and music videos has become the entertainment for adolescence and young adults, with action fights, aggressive behavior, and foul language which basically co-sign the glamorous world full of acceptable bad behavior. The violence in the media has because an enormous entertainment business, from Monday Night Raw on cable television to Assassin’s Creed, one of the top ten bestseller video game. The video games industry in the past decade only has become one of the largest part of world entertainment industry. The numbers tell us in grossing over twenty something billion dollars in 2011 in American sales alone, which make it clear that this industry is one of the key player in media entertainment environment. From the first release of Atari, game system in the early in the mid-70s to Nintendo Wii, Sony PlayStations, and Microsoft Xbox, video games has definitely come a long way. The household entertainment budget show over forty percent of American households has a gaming system and because of the inappropriate and violence content, such as shooting, murders, theft and fighting. Some experts like David Welsh believes that video games can be bad for children`s health increasing the heart rate and blood pressure in children who spend more than eight hours a week on the game console.{The impact of Media on Children and Teens}. As well as increasing aggressive behavior among youth, for example the recent story in Washington in the media, about a fourteen-year-old boy shooting his parents, because they took away his video games. Most parents today toil to find a suitable balance between keeping up, and staying ahead of the children`s entertainment agenda with an ever-growing worlds of technology and media this has become quite difficult. With devices like smartphones and video game console that can access the Internet like a computers, and with the constant availability to media, parents are face with the struggle of not know whether or not their children is being exposed to appropriate content. This twenty first century has become more difficult to raise a child than the nineteen century, back then society was about up bring, decency and respect. Today`s society has though out yesterday`s value and is focus on what sells, indecency, profanity, sexuality and violence makes money and that’s the bottom line. This new society, most parents are single and overworked, lacking the resource of childcare, are force to use the media as a 24 hours babysitter. We do needs to protect our children from the money hungry media that is victimize our children at the expense of lining their pockets, by setting limits of television, gaming and not give a children a cell phone until they are mature and responsible enough to use it, but how can we be without being in two places at once. In conclusions as the media impact on youth violence will continue to be an ongoing discussion in America, whether it`s lack of parent superior or the media has no consideration and has no respect for society. We trusted the media for years and have brought them into our living rooms to entertain and some cases educate our families. Simply, due to evolution they have fell short of that responsibility, the constant changing technology of electronic gadgets and the overwhelming access to the media via the worldwide web giving entree to social networks, video games and cyber bullying and unlimited access to movies. With this new age society, we have forgotten how to raise our own children and left them in the hands of technology. As well as myself, have been guilty of handing my toddler the iPad to keep her quite at times. If we continue to depend on technology to raise our children, not spending that one-on-one time that is needed, our children would not have any social skills and a lack empathy for others which; leads to actions without thinking logic of consequences, which is not learned on television and the video games. A parent has to take the responsibility back to raise his or her own children and not use technology as babysitters. Furthermore, wasn’t that the way our parent was raises fifty to sixty years ago and there was very low crime and little to none youth violence, because there was limited or no media access. References Gentile, D. A., Humphrey, J., Walsh, D. A. (Jun 2005). Media Ratings for Movies, Music, Video Games, and Television: a Review of the Research and Recommendations for Improvements. Adolescent Medicine Clinics. Walsh, D. (2002). A Normative Study of Family Media habits. (, Interviewer) Justice, U. D. (1999, August ). Addressing community gang problems: A model for problem solving. Retrieved from Office of Jusitce Programs: Prevention, C. f. (2012, October 23). Electronic Aggression. Retrieved from Prevention, C. f. (2012, Oct 19). Understanding Youth Violence. Retrieved from

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Vertical integration in studio system Essay -- Economics

Vertical integration in studio system The term "vertical integration" refers to the structure of a marketplace, which is integrated (rather than segregated) at a variety of crucial levels. In the case of the motion picture industry, the studio system established a market in which the studios owned production facilities, distribution outlets, and theaters. In other words, the studios controlled every level of the marketplace from the top down, from production to exhibition. "Vertical integration" began in the 1910s and inspired the postwar consolidation of the studio system as national distribution companies, such as Paramount merged with production companies, such as Famous Players and Lasky and subsequently began purchasing theater chains. All of the major studios in Hollywood (Paramount, MGM, Warner Bros., etc) owned theater chains; the minors, Universal, Columbia, and United artists, did not. The minors, distributed their pictures, by special arrangement, to theaters owned by the majors. The majors booked one another's films in their theaters. Vertical int...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Foundation Degree in Accounting & Finance Essay -- Business Management

Foundation Degree in Accounting & Finance How training contributes to the achievement of business objectives In order for the organisation to benefit from successful training, there must be a planned and systematic approach to effect management of training. R Harrison (1989:48) defined systematic approach as â€Å"†¦in order to determine as precisely as possible what are the minimum resources the organisation should invest for the development of its workforce, an accurate assessment should be made of known and agreed training needs at all levels. A training plan can then be formulated which can guide the organisation in its investment of resources, in the operation of training and development, and in their evaluation.† A plan for training and development can guide top management to make the following decisions:  · Decision about the investment of resources through time.  · Decision about the agreed corporate goals and strategy for employee development.  · Decision about the key roles necessary to ensure effective implementation of strategy. Within the individual manager’s department, there should be the same agreement on what overall needs exist, however they may be defined and over whatever time length they are to be met. The manager can then put forward a reasoned case for the resources to meet those needs. L Mullins (2002:694) cited that â€Å"The purpose of training is to improve knowledge and skills, and to change attitudes. It is one of the most important potential motivators. This can lead to many possible benefits for both individuals and the organisation.† L Mullins (2002) suggested that training can make an impact on the organisation: * Increase the confident, motivation and commitment of staff. * Provide recognition, enhanced responsibility and the possibility of increased pay and promotion. * Give a feeling of personal satisfaction and achieve, and broaden opportunities for career progression. * Help to improve the availability and quality of staff. Therefore we can see that training is an essential element of improving organisational performance. The intention of training is to generate a greater measure of positive commitment, a reduction of workplace alienation and enhanced quality of output. D Torrington et al (2002) suggested that objectives should give employees a clear idea of p... ...3rd edition, The Cromwell Press, Wiltshire Harrison R (1989), Training and Development, 2nd edition, LR Printing Service Ltd, West Sussex Mullins L (2002), Management and Organisational Behaviour, 6th edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow Torrington D et al (2002), Human Resource Management, 5th edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow Bibliography Beardwell I et al (2004), Human Resource Management – A Contemporary Approach, 4th edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow Garratt T (1997), The Effective Delivery of Training Using NLP, Kogan Page Ltd, London Harrison R (1992), Management Studies 2 - Employee Development, 3rd edition, The Cromwell Press, Wiltshire Harrison R (1998), People and Organisation - Employee Development, 2nd edition, The Cromwell Press, Wiltshire Harrison R (1989), Training and Development, 2nd edition, LR Printing Service Ltd, West Sussex Mullins L (2002), Management and Organisational Behaviour, 6th edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow Pettinger R (2002), Introduction to Management, 3rd edition, Palgrave, Hampshire Torrington D et al (2002), Human Resource Management, 5th edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cognitive approach Essay

The cognitive approach focuses on the way information is processed by humans. It looks at how we as individuals treat information and how it leads to responses. Cognitive psychologists study internal processes such as attention, language, memory, thinking and perception. The main assumption of this approach is that in when information is received it is then processed by the brain and this processing directs how we as individuals behave or justify why we behave the way we do. With the cognitive approach it is hard to view its constructions, though, some say that it is an example of theoretical constructs. This means that we cannot directly see processes such as thinking but we can infer what a person is thinking based on simply the way they act. Cognitive psychologists mainly focus on internal mental processes such as memory. Attention is put on how individuals learn to solve problem and the mental processes that are present between stimulus and response. This approach has been influenced by developments in computer science, such that the ideas are very similar. It gets its idea from how a computer works and how we process information. Based on the computer analogy, cognitive psychology is interested in how the brain inputs, stores and outputs information. Loftus and Palmers (1974) study of an eyewitness testimony demonstrates how the cognitive process of a person’s memory can be misled by other information provided after an event. This highlights that memory is a dynamic process which can be influenced by many events such as leading questions. The study also shows that memory is a dynamic process and changes to make sense of certain experiences. When individuals behave in a certain way towards another individual, it is likely that we challenge to understand how the other is thinking and feeling. Baron-Cohen’s (1997) study of behaviour and how it can be influenced by a cognitive process identifies a ‘theory of mind ’. This theory enables an individual to acknowledge grow understanding and respect for the fact that people have thoughts and beliefs that are different from their own. His study challenges to demonstrate that the main inefficiency of autism is a failure to completely develop the cognitive process of a ‘theory of mind’. This approach is different from other approaches in different ways. One way is that it adopts the use of scientific and experimental methods to measure mental processes. Another  difference is that the approach is the supporter of importance of mental processes such as beliefs and desires in determining behaviour unlike the behaviourist approach. One strength of the cognitive approach is that it uses a scientific approach through the use of laboratory experiments. These experiments are beneficial as they are extremely high in control, thus enabling researchers to recognise the cause and effect. In terms of being able to control, when Loftus and Palmers conducted their study they were able to control the ages of the participants and the location of the experiment. Every participant was asked the same questions. Furthermore, experiments such as the one discussed is easy to test for reliability. However, many cognitive studies that are carried out in laboratory settings/environment ca n lack environmental validity. It may be difficult to generalise the results/findings to everyday life if the cognitive process such as memory and theory of mind are studied in artificial situations. A further asset of this approach is the useful contributions that have risen from this approach. Understanding cognitive process allows us to help improve the way in which people execute their cognitive process such as memory or language. The Baron-Choen’s study on behaviour and how it is influential enables us to understand the behaviour of people with mental conditions. Similarly, Loftus and Palmer’s study highlights the limitations of an eyewitness testimony. Though the approach has many strengths, it also has some weakness’, one being that the cognitive approach relates to the validity of measuring cognitive processes. The approach relies heavily on a self-report and observation, meaning, we can only gather/interpret what someone is thinking. Humanism Humanistic psychology is a perspective that highlights the study of a person as a whole, this is referred to as ‘holism’. Humanistic psychologists look at human behaviour not only through the eye of the observer but through the eyes of the person doing the behave. Humanistic psychologists believes that an individual’s behaviour is linked to their inner feelings and self-image. The approach centres on the view that each person is different and unique, and each individual has free will to change at any time in their lives. The perspective suggest that we as indivduals are responsible for our own happiness and well-being. As humans with have an inborn capaticy for self –actualization which is our desire to achieve our highest potential as people. The humanists regarded scientific methods as inappropriate for studying behaviour beacause of the focus on the person and their personal experiences and perception of the world. There are two very influential theorist s in humanistic psychology. These are Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. Psychodynamic perspective Who hasn’t heard of Sigmund Freud? So many expressions from our daily life come from Freud’s theories of psychoanalysis – subconscious, denial, repression and anal personality to name only a few. Freud believes that events in our childhood can have a significant impact on our behavior as adults. He also believed that people have little free will to make choices in life. Instead our behavior is determined by the unconscious mind and childhood experiences. Freud’s psychoanalysis is both a theory and a therapy. It is the original psychodynamic theory and inspired psychologists such as Jung and Erikson to develop their own psychodynamic theories. Freud’s work is vast and he has contributed greatly to psychology as a discipline. Freud, the founder of Psychoanalysis, explained the human mind as like an iceberg, with only a small amount of it being visible, that is our observable behavior, but it is the unconscious, submerged mind that has the most, underl ying influence on our behavior. Freud used three main methods of accessing the unconscious mind: free association, dream analysis and slips of the tongue. He believed that the unconscious mind consisted of three components: the ‘id’ the ‘ego’ and the ‘superego’. The ‘id’ contains  two main instincts: ‘Eros’, which is the life instinct, which involves self-preservation and sex which is fuelled by the ‘libido’ energy force. ‘Thanatos’ is the death instinct, whose energies, because they are less powerful than those of ‘Eros’ are channeled away from ourselves and into aggression towards others. The ‘id’ and the ‘superego’ are constantly in conflict with each other, and the ‘ego’ tries to resolve the discord. If this conflict is not resolved, we tend to use defense mechanisms to reduce our anxieties. Psychoanalysis attempts to help patients resolve their inner conflicts. An asp ect of psychoanalysis is Freud’s theory of psychosexual development. It shows how early experiences affect adult personality. Stimulation of different areas of the body is important as the child progresses through the important developmental stages. Too much or too little can have bad consequences later. The most important stage is the phallic stage where the focus of the libido is on the genitals. During this stage little boys experience the ‘Oedipus complex’, and little girls experience the ‘Electra complex’. These complexes result in children identifying with their same-sex parent, which enables them to learn sex-appropriate behavior and a morale code of conduct. However it has been criticized in the way that it over emphasizes of importance of sexuality and under emphasizes of role of social relationships. The theory is not scientific, and can’t be proved as it is circular. The sample was biased, consisting of middle-class, middle-aged neurotic women. Never the less psychoanalysis has been greatly contributory to psychology in that it has encouraged many modern theorists to modify it for the better, using its basic principles, but eliminating its major flaws. Perspectives Conclusion To conclude, there are many different perspectives to psychology in explaining different types of behaviour and give different judgments. The fact that there are many perspectives shows that human behave is in fact a very complex thing to analyse. A scientific approach, such as cognitive psychology or behaviourism, often tends to ignore the personal experiences that people have. Though, the humanistic perspective does in fact recognise human experience. The psychodynamic perspective concentrates  largely on the unconscious mind and childhood. The biological perspective reduces humans to a group of mechanisms and physical structures that are essential and very important, such as genes. However, the biological perspective fails to account for consciousness and influences of the environment and behaviour.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The world of second jobs for teachers

The world of second jobs for teachers Being a teacher is an important professional calling- but it’s no easy task. Some people look at the profession and imagine it’s an easy job, with summers off and plenty of free time in the afternoon once the students go home. However, those in the know regarding what it’s really like to be a teacher know that this generalization couldn’t be further from the truth. Being a teacher is as tough as it is important. Teachers often work long hours- with tremendous responsibilities that extend both in and out of the classroom- and are constantly dealing with an array of challenging student personalities, needs, and demands (not to mention the needs of the parents and their school administrators).Another key factor working against most teachers is compensation. The notion that teachers are overworked, underappreciated, and underpaid has become a professional clichà © of sorts in the United States, and has led to a growing phenomena among educators- getting a sec ond job to make ends meet. According to a recent Washington Post article, â€Å"Many teachers are paid so poorly, in fact, that they have to take second jobs to pay their bills. A study released earl`ier this year found that in 2015, the weekly wages of public school teachers in the United States were 17 percent lower than comparable college-educated professionals- and those most hurt were veteran teachers and male teachers.†The article points out that this unfortunate situation is not isolated to any specific teaching grade level or geographic region of the country: â€Å"Nationally the situation is bleak. While other professions have seen compensation growth, teachers’ salaries have stagnated for four decades. In fact, over the last decade in 30 of 50 states, teacher pay has actually not kept pace with the cost of living. Forty-seven states face teacher shortages, and there has been a 30 percent decrease in enrollment in teacher credentialing programs in recent year s.†Since the phenomena of teachers taking on second jobs doesn’t seem to be decreasing or ending any time soon, a good strategy for these intrepid educators is to leverage their professional experience, skillsets, and work schedules to their advantage. If you’re a teacher looking for additional employment, consider the following ideas to earn some extra money and help make ends meet.Freelance EditorMost teachers have a great eye and ear for the effective flow of ideas, proper word use, and grammar, and can often spot a mistake quickly- often the result of reviewing countless student essays and reports. That’s why seeking work as a freelance editor can be a rewarding and lucrative option for teachers.Freelance editors are typically well compensated (average hourly wages can range from $25–$40 per hour or more, depending on the project and your experience level), and opportunities are available in all genres, from nonfiction to fiction and more, so yo u can feasibly work on subject matter that naturally interests you. Also, depending on the project deadline you can carve out a schedule that works around your teaching chores and other life responsibilities, making this a potentially attractive option.TutoringGetting paid to tutor individuals outside of work seems like a natural fit for someone who’s already employed as a teacher- and if it’s in a subject that you’re well versed in, then you’ll have little or no prep involved to get started. Since tutors generally set their own hours and pay scales (often based on level of commitment and subject complexity), how much you make can entirely depend on you. Furthermore, you’ll have the flexibility to set your own hours and venue.Technical WriterDo you have a talent for clearly and easily explaining complicated or technical processes? If so, then consider looking for additional work as a technical writer. Technical writers create and review instruction manuals, journal articles, company documents, and how-to guides in an effort to make technical or scientific information easier to understand. This typically requires a background in science, technology, engineering, or computers, but the good news is that if you teach in this area, it may be a great choice for you for a second job.The pay is typically good (average hourly wages can range from $30-$50 per hour or more, depending on the project and your experience level). Plus, you can sometimes work on a per-project basis, allowing you to control how much additional work you take on, and work around your existing schedule.Childcare WorkerMost teachers have a background in and propensity for working with younger people, which may make employment as a childcare worker an easy transition for them. If you have a capacity for caring for children, then consider a second job as a childcare worker. You can often do this type of work with an agency or as a self-employed individual (meaning you can set your own fee scale and availability), and because peoples’ needs for childcare varies you can likely find work for whatever time of day makes sense for you.DriverAlthough this might not seem to be the most instinctual choice for a second job for teachers, take a moment to think about it. In the era of Uber, Lyft, and Seamless, the need for drivers and delivery people has never been greater, and you shouldn’t have a problem finding extra work. In addition, shifts are often available at night, early in the morning, or on weekends, which means you can pick up some extra pay without interrupting your teaching schedule. Also, after a tough, mentally taxing day of teaching, driving as a second job might be a nice change of pace.If you’re a teacher, you may not be looking forward to the idea of a second job, but it may be a necessity for you. If this is the case, you can make it easier on you by choosing your second job wisely. Use the information and ideas presented here to help you make the choice for a second job as easy as possible.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Depression Awareness Professor Ramos Blog

Depression Awareness People aren’t always aware of other’s feelings. This leads to bullying, misunderstandings, fights and the worst thing, suicide. Depression is a neglected illness it’s almost invisible unlike a broken leg. Take me for instance, I suffer from depression, and some people close to me, didn’t believe I was depressed which lead to fighting and a general bad time for everyone involved. A simple â€Å"cheer up pal† helps but isn’t the best way to approach the problem. The thing I am asking people to do, is reach out to others. The quiet person in the back of the room may have their nose in a book all the time, but that doesn’t mean they are weird or they don’t want friends. Not to say all quiet people are depressed, I speak from personal experience. Some signs of depression are : loss of interest in once-pleasurable activities, feelings of shame, guilt or worthlessness, difficulty sleeping or sleeping excessively, experiencing sadness, unhappiness and crying spells. (King Vidourek, 2012) These are just some of the warning signs of depression. Severe depression can lead into suicide, some suicidal warning signs are, changes in school performance, loss of energy, morbid ideation, withdrawn/isolated, changes in behavior, giving away cherished possessions and being depressed. (King Vidourek, 2012) If you see these signs, talk to the person while trying to get additional help from others. People who are depressed may not realize it. For the longest time I thought that’s how life was, bleak and not worth participating in. So I didn’t. I played games. It was my escape from all my bad thoughts and led me to worlds where I could do anything and be anyone. There are others though who feel similarly.   In a survey of 235,067 adults, 9.0% met the criteria for current depression, 3.4% of those were considered majorly depressed between the years 2006 2008.(CDC) The percentage may be small but its still twenty one thousand people. Although everyone can and probably will be depressed at one point in their life, for some it’s genetic. Again me for example, my brain chemistry is off. My brain doesn’t produce the right hormones properly like serotonin. It’s the same with my father, my grandmother and further back. â€Å"A PET scan can compare brain activity during periods of depression (left) with normal brain activity (right). An increase of blue and green colors, along with decreased white and yellow areas, shows decreased brain activity due to depression.†(Mayo) The brain has trouble functioning when we are depressed. People have started calling it â€Å"the Suicide Epidemic†. According to Dokoupil, â€Å"Throughout the developed world, for example self-harm is now the leading cause of death for people 15-49 surpassing all cancers and heart disease.†(Dokoupil, 2013) This is terrible. A suicide creates a negative ripple in a community. Influencing those who didn’t know them that well or at all even to some degree. I can’t imagine what it must be like for a family member to have taken their own life. We need to be able to help these people in some way shape or form. Medication, therapy, interventions, even just spending time with the person, trying to have fun will help. A girl in Colorado had been mutual friends of people that had killed themselves. One night she downed a small bottle of whiskey and sent some troubling texts and snapchats saying, â€Å"I’m sorry it had to be me.† Though they looked for her, tried to calling and texting her. They found her body in the morning, she had shot herself.   Three days later a boy who may have known the girl killed himself, nine days later and another classmate killed himself. A total of five students committed suicide from that school in the span of about eight months.(Kutner, 2016) The fact that these kids, having never experienced the world or discovered a passion to keep them going is a solemn one. At some point if someone could have stepped in and potentially saving one or more of them if they had acted. If given the chance to save someone I’m sure everyone would. Suicide is not limited to teens and young people, men in particular are at risk. According to the Cambridge Dictionary of Psychology, â€Å"Males are four times more likely to die from suicide than females.†(Hoffman,2006) The way we view males in our society is a toxic one. We expect men to be dominant, courageous and strong, like â€Å"men†. This is in itself is now a fallacy. This is an old and now harmful way of teaching and looking at one’s self. In the past when we had natural predators, we needed strong people , typically men, to hunt, gather and defend. But in modern times we can kill people with the pull of a trigger. Though there are physically demanding jobs, generally the role of men has changed from hunter gatherers to more passive jobs like office work and factory lines. That sort of strength is not nearly as all encompassing as it once was and now our view point needs to change. So what can we do? We can more more interactive and inclusive. By including someone you show that you want to spend time with them and to them might mean that they are worth something to someone. Feeling socially connected to others is one such protective factor that is directly associated with positive emotional health. (King Vidourek, 2012) Communication is another big one. We have a glorious piece of tech, the internet, which keeps everyone connected, so although we may not see the person on the other side, being polite is a good habit and being respectful to each other is great too. School is an important place where people need to be aware. There can be programs to raise awareness for signs of mental illnesses for students and staff, teaching coping strategies in case they are dealing with something. In addition, each school could have a therapist, or someone safe to talk to. We all need to be aware of more observant including the people we may not otherwise pay attention too. But some people may question whether depression a serious mental illness. It affects everyone at some point to varying degrees. So it is serious. Everyone deserves to be happy in life, it say so in the Declaration of Independence. It is one of the three unalienable rights. So how can we ignore our fellow man who cannot live happily? We don’t let him suffer, we reach out and do our best to help him onto his feet so he can live for himself. The next time your friend says something along the lines of â€Å"I don’t feel up to it.† Maybe ask why politely or tell them that you enjoy spending time with them. If a stranger looks sad one day, tell them a joke or compliment them on something. It doesn’t hurt you to say something nice to somebody and even this could save someone’s life. If you are depressed there are people that can and will talk to you. There are hotlines to call if you are feeling suicidal. Here is one, it is available all hours of the day. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 Dokoupil, Tony (5.22.13) â€Å"The Suicide Epidemic† Retrieved on: 8.6.18 from This article talks about how a researcher lost his father and how we need to change things in our society. â€Å"PET scan of the brain for depression† Retrieved on: 8.7.18 from This is a Picture of a depressed person’s brain versus a non-depressed person. â€Å"Current Depression Among AdultsUnited States, 2006 and 2008† Retrieved on: 8.6.18 from This article talks about the rates of depression and who is depressed in our society. Kutner, Max (10.24.16) â€Å"Teen Suicide Is Contagious, and the Problem May Be Worse Than We Thought† Retrieved on: 8.6.18 from Kids can influence each other even if they haven’t met in person according to this article King, Keith A. and Vidourek, Rebecca A. (November 2012) â€Å"Teen Depression and Suicide: Effective Prevention and Intervention Strategies† Retrieved on: 8.6.18 from One of our responsibilities is to try and help one another and this article talks about the signs and strategies to prevent it. Hoffman, John (2006) â€Å"suicide† Retrieved on: 8.6.18 from This article talks about the societal causes of suicide and how people interact about it.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Reliable Sources for Academic Research -

Reliable Sources for Academic Research Reliable Sources for Academic Research Good research is the foundation that you use to build your academic assignment on. A lot of students struggle with finding reliable sources for research  when they are trying to finish an essay or paper. Students need to make sure that they are getting information from authoritative, unbiased resources that can provide reliable data.Since it is the age of information technology, a lot of students prefer to go online rather spend time at an actual library. Browsing online data is convenient and easy. You can quickly jump back and forth to two or more sources, comparing information and drawing conclusions. You can also copy and paste sentences and paragraphs for revision. But finding reliable information resources is not always easy. The internet is a big place since Google has around 50 billion web pages available.   Moreover, there are almost 5 folds this number of websites available on the invisible web that Google is unable to index. This means that finding what you are looking for might be a challenging task.In this article, we provide a list of credible sources for research. These offer reliable data that can be safely included in an academic essay, task or paper.Virtual LRC: This is a custom version of Google search engine. It works just like Google but only displays the best academic websites. Professors and librarians around the world keep on updating the search by adding reliable sources that students can use any time they like.Google Scholar: This is another version of Google that is customized to search only for scholarly articles and legal documents. It also has a citation feature which helps students track their research and use the citation information in the assignments they write.Internet Public Library: As the name suggests, this is an online free public library that is accessible by anyone. Volunteer librarians and professionals work to help students who are looking for resources or asking questions. More resources are always added to cater to the needs of millions of users worldwide. People are able to browse the resources by subject, so it is a great time-saver.WorldWideScience: This is a comprehensive portal for scientific research that is widely accessible. Science students and researchers have the chance to explore the latest scientific findings in real-time. It also provides approved translations of the world’s latest scientific discoveries.iSEEK Education: This is a specially-designed search engine that caters to the needs of all students, scholars, teachers, professors, administrators, and parents. It is the best place to find academically-approved authoritative and reliable resources that students can use on their own or with the help of their teachers and professors. A lot of academic professionals find this search engine helpful because they can use it to design tasks and activities.Microsoft Academic Search Engine: This tool is provided by Microsoft and caters to the needs of billions of users. It i s mainly used for scientific research and provides instant access to more than 38 billion publications and documents. Moreover, it offers publications, images, and infographics that can be easily included in academic assignments.Google Books: This is another useful tool by Google that will enable you to search billions of the world’s books. There are a lot of free books that you can easily browse, and there is always a preview that will tell you what the book is about. It provides the real library experience in the comfort of your home or classroom. Users are able to browse books by topic or genre and then save them to be read later.Catalog of U.S. Government Publications: This tool will enable you to gather information about federal publications. It enables researches and scholars to easily browse and access historical and modern publications using descriptive records. Users are able to research their topics using the title, subject, and general keywords. Advanced Search pro vides more options.SpringerLink: A lot of users prefer this site because it offers millions of useful links to books, journals, reference works, and protocols. Students and scholars can browse the archives and find a variety of topics and subjects.Whether you are working on a term paper or preparing your thesis, you need to make sure that you are spending enough time researching your topic. Writing an original essay or paper requires making sure that you have access to relevant and practical resources. Today, in-depth research can be conducted anytime and anywhere. All you need is a laptop, an internet connection and the will to succeed.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Eroupean business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Eroupean business - Essay Example Along with this evolution of humans and territories, the political setup, which ruled villages, also evolved and new political setups came into being, to rule cities, provinces or states and importantly countries. With the evolution and formation of countries, the political setups also evolved, with countries governed by different political setups including democracy, monarchy, Theocracy, Despotism, etc. This evolution and establishment of many countries with different political setups have necessitated the formation of an overseeing or conglomerate organization. The role of ‘conglomerate’ organization is manifold as it provides a forum to discuss as well as solve many important issues apart from aiding unison of countries. This paper will focus on one such organization, European Union. European Union is a conglomeration of countries in the continent of Europe. But, that conglomeration or integration has not been fully actualized, as certain older member states particularly United Kingdom opposing it and mistrusting it. So, this paper will first analyze why certain member states particularly UK is mistrusting European integration, and then will discuss the changes particularly in stitutional structure and economic changes that might reinvigorate the process of European integration. United Kingdom is regarded as one of the most dominant countries in the world history, as it strengthened its sovereignty as well as spread its influence all over the world in the earlier centuries. But, in recent times or in recent decades, citizens think that its supremacy and importantly sovereignty is being challenged by external issues or organizations, with which UK is voluntarily associated. That is, some actions of external bodies like European Union (UK holds membership of it) and its court is undermining the powers as well as the laws issued by the UK Parliament, thereby UK’s sovereignty. According to majority of the

Friday, October 18, 2019

What are the pros and cons of the new military retirement system Research Paper

What are the pros and cons of the new military retirement system - Research Paper Example Retirement from services is the common end to all professions, whether in financial services, educational services, government jobs, or jobs in the defense sector. However, the provisions and procedure of retirement varies from sector to sector and across time periods. The retirement policies followed in the military system, too, has varied greatly with the passage of time. There are large differences between the retirement policies followed by the military in earlier times and the ones practiced in the 20th century. The greatest attraction of a strenuous military career has always been the benefits and incentives offered on retirement. Since the earlier periods, through the World War II era to the current times, dialogues have been exchanged on the subject of reform of the military retirement schemes. The primary focus of all these meetings and discussions was to reduce the government expenditure on the military system, by reducing the monetary compensation paid to the retirees. How ever, it is interesting to observe â€Å"that of the dozens of study groups, commissions, committees, boards, task forces, and the like that have recommended making major structural cuts, only one such has been enacted into law, in 1986 -- and that was essentially repealed (i.e., its cuts made voluntary) in 1999, seven years before it would become effective†. ... The retirement allowance of the active military personell is based on the longevity of their services. Usually, after 20 years of services a person is allowed to retire and enjoy pensions and benefits. The retirement decision of the disabled retirees, on the other hand, may depend on the longevity of service or the degree of disability suffered. The monthly annuity of retirees is calculated on the basis of Cost-Of-Living-Allowances (COLA), which ensures that their income is guaranteed against inflationary trends. These monetary benefits are accompanied by some non-monetary benefits â€Å"which include exchange and commissary privileges, medical care through TRICARE, and access to Morale, Welfare and Recreation facilities and programs† (Henning, 2008) The old discussions on the reformation of these provisions have continued in recent times as well and their objectives have remained much the same, i.e. a reduction in government expenditure. This paper will, now, study in detail the advantages and disadvantages of the current military retirement system. Advantages of the new Military Retirement System: Monetary Benefits: The present system of military retirement is divided into three categories of compensation. They can be described as follows. For the people who have entered the services before 8th September, 1980, the monthly annuity will be calculated over the basic pay. This is referred to as the System 1. For the people who have entered the services during the period of 8th September, 1980 to 31st July, 1986, the monthly income will be the average of the highest income in three years. This system is called System 2 or High 3. Lastly, those who entered the services on or after the date of 1st August, 1986, have the right to choose between the High-3 system and the

Insulin Administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Insulin Administration - Essay Example The methods and techniques utilized for insulin administration should be understood by the nurses at an appropriate level to avoid the unwanted consequences that may result due to improper drug usage. The nurses should be aware of the proper dosage techniques of insulin along with the appropriate ways of injecting the drug to the patients. The nurses should be actively involved in such cases and they should monitor these patients on regular basis to ensure that their blood glucose levels stay within the normal limits. The nurses also have important roles in the outpatient settings. Their proper understanding of insulin administration ways is essential owing to the fact that they have to impart this knowledge to the patients as well. The patients are to be guided in the best manner so that when they are at home, they know the best ways to take care of their health. This is done by explaining the ways of administering insulin in association with proper dosage and monitoring.The knowled ge with regard to insulin administration is very essential for my career as a registered nurse. This is because it is an important aspect of the work that a nurse has to perform. It is important for the nursing practice as they are actively involved in both the hospital settings as well as the outpatient departments. Proper information with this regard can assist the nurse to prevent many untoward medical results.The patients who are on insulin administration should be treated with the combined assistance and coordination of nurses.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Arguments about God's existence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Arguments about God's existence - Essay Example Arguments about God's existence However, belief is controlled by several factors such as evidence. The existence of evidence in experimentation points out to the fact that a hypothesis can hold a truth value. Therefore, the hypothesis can be a fact or a general truth as depicted by the evidence. The explanation about the existence of God is a subject that has been posited by several theoretical explanations. Some of the arguments and explanations that have been used by scholars to describe the existence of God include the cosmological argument, the teleological argument, and the ontological explanations. This paper discuses the teleological perspective that tries to explain the existence of God. it focuses on the arguments explanations and also reviews the criticisms that have been used as a basis of discrediting the argument. In the end, it defends the position taken by this explanation as a valid argument for the existence of God. The most prominent of facts that sum up the teleological argument about Gods existence is based on intelligent design. According to this school of thought, the existence of human-like intelligence in nature can be a possible explanation of the existence of God. The argument describes a scenario in which human intelligence drives the reasoning and direction of activities that result in meaningful action. The basic question in these happenings, therefore, is that while humans are guided by the free will to reason from their intelligence, what force pushes these phenomena to act in the same design and precision in nature.

Medical marijuana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Medical marijuana - Essay Example Even though, FDA has not shown any green signal to marijuana, many people in America believe that marijuana can be used as an effective medicine in the treatment of some of the diseases like nausea, vomiting, glaucoma etc. Moreover, marijuana can stimulate hunger among some patients, and it can also be used a pain reliever. However, marijuana has not achieved the status of a medicine yet and still marijuana use is labeled in the category of substance abuse in most of the countries. Roth (2008) has pointed out that â€Å"To date, marijuana is still classified as an illegal Schedule 1 drug by the Controlled Substances Act. It is defined as having "no accepted medical use in treatment in the United States" (Roth). On the other hand, critics of marijuana argue that marijuana should not be used as a medicine because of its side effects. For them, marijuana has the ability to make huge physical and emotional changes in a person which may affect the person in the long run. No American cour ts so far took any favorable stand in administering marijuana as a drug because of the lack of scientific evidences to prove the credentials of marijuana as a drug. This paper briefly analyses the pros and cons argues against using marijuana as a medicine. Some of the early studies in the 1970’s and 80’s shown that light or moderate consumers of marijuana may not develop any physical or psychological problems. In other words, the controlled use of marijuana may not cause many problems to the user. However, it should be note that many of the current generation do not have the ability to control their behaviors. For example, a person who started smoking or drinking just for a joke may become an addict. Same way, marijuana users can also become addicts as time goes on. Moreover, marijuana available in the past and present has lot of differences. Its potency, as measured by the THC content, has greatly increased from as low as one or two per cent to as high as 15% today. S ome medical studies have shown that this change greatly increases the risk, especially for heavy users, to lungs, reproductive and immune systems. It also increases the heart rate and can impair motor skills and the ability to concentrate. These health dangers provide are more support for deterring its availability. The Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN), which keeps track of marijuana-related emergency room visits, reports that this statistic has risen steadily in the past three decades (Parker). â€Å"THC is a fat-soluble substance and will accumulate in fatty tissues in the liver, lungs, testes, and other organs. Two days after smoking marijuana, one-quarter of the THC content may still be retained† (Basic facts About Drug Marijuana). Marijuana available at present are enriched with more THC content in order to make the consumers satisfied. Most of the drug addicts and alcohol addicts are using these things to change their moods. However, they may require more doses as time goes on to attain a particular mood. Marijuana sellers enrich the THC content to alarming levels in order satisfy the users. Substance abusers or marijuana users may not bother much about the THC content because of addiction. Thus, their physical and mental health would be severely damaged as a result of marijuana use over a time particular time period. â€Å"While cannabis itself is not physically addictive it can be dangerous for those with mental health issues and is often supplied by dealers who also

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Arguments about God's existence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Arguments about God's existence - Essay Example Arguments about God's existence However, belief is controlled by several factors such as evidence. The existence of evidence in experimentation points out to the fact that a hypothesis can hold a truth value. Therefore, the hypothesis can be a fact or a general truth as depicted by the evidence. The explanation about the existence of God is a subject that has been posited by several theoretical explanations. Some of the arguments and explanations that have been used by scholars to describe the existence of God include the cosmological argument, the teleological argument, and the ontological explanations. This paper discuses the teleological perspective that tries to explain the existence of God. it focuses on the arguments explanations and also reviews the criticisms that have been used as a basis of discrediting the argument. In the end, it defends the position taken by this explanation as a valid argument for the existence of God. The most prominent of facts that sum up the teleological argument about Gods existence is based on intelligent design. According to this school of thought, the existence of human-like intelligence in nature can be a possible explanation of the existence of God. The argument describes a scenario in which human intelligence drives the reasoning and direction of activities that result in meaningful action. The basic question in these happenings, therefore, is that while humans are guided by the free will to reason from their intelligence, what force pushes these phenomena to act in the same design and precision in nature.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Snow Days on Campus Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Snow Days on Campus - Article Example I gathered a number of opinions on the impact of snow days in college. Albert, a student at the college, states that days enable them to have more time to spend in bed and watch Television and movies online. He also added that the day off released them from the busy class schedules hence allowing them to relax their minds. Additionally, Fred a student also confirms that on this day, they spend much time ice skating. As a result, students seem to enjoy on these days because they do not attend school and also at home they do not cover up for the time lost. Monica, a worker in the College, claims that snow days actually affect their working schedule because they have to use a lot of time clearing the ice, more so during cold days when the ice melts slowly. She adds that there pay is also affected when they miss working for more than two days as a result of snowing. For that reason, the workers, therefore, suffer during these days more so when it prolongs. Felix, a professor at the College, argues that the snow day deprives the time needed to cover the syllabus comprehensively. This is because one cannot make up for the time lost. Hence, this makes them give students too much information within a short period thus degrading the quality of education. He further argues that most of the concepts taught in college need some concentration and time which when not provided makes it harder for the students to comprehend. Professor Kathleen, who also teaches in the College, comments that she has had a rough time during the snow. She says snow days happening in early semesters cause students to miss the night classes that is a problem since students cannot be told to study by themselves. Since new materials need class time to be processed. She also points out that the school calendar is affected by the snow days.  Ã‚  

HCS 483 Clinician Provider Order Entry Implementation Essay Example for Free

HCS 483 Clinician Provider Order Entry Implementation Essay Clinician Provider Order Entry Implementation Health Care Information Systems HCS 483 September 02, 2013 Clinician Provider Order Entry Implementation Implementation Process Health care organizations look forward when starting the implementation process for information system implementation. Adding or upgrading health care systems is met with excitement and opposition from the employees who must use the system and adapt their current practice processes. Constructing a rollout period for the employees to train and get specific training for their job requirements is imperative to the success of the health system implementation. Employees knowledge of how to use the system is equally important to the implementation process as choosing and designing the program that is best for the organization. Roles and responsibilities The project or system champion is someone in the organization who is vested in the completion of the project. The champion’s role is to help obtain the buy-in of other physicians into the use of the new system and makes sure the physicians who will be using the system have adequate input in the selection process of how the new system will be used. The board of directors is the governing entity for the health care organization that approves the acquisition and implementation of a new system. The board of director’s role is to have a voice for the organization. Going forward the board needs to be involved in how the new system will affect the processes of the primary users and help curtail the expenses that develop as the project evolves. The Project manager is the person accountable for the successful implementation of the new information system. â€Å"He or she is the person who provides the day-to-day direction setting, conflict resolution, and communication needed by the project team†(Wager, Lee, Glaser, Burns, 2009, Chapter 7). The project manager is responsible for the team of engineers  installing and testing the information system. The project manager is responsible for relaying the progress of the project back to the board of directors. This includes the good, and the bad as outlined in the case study of Memorial Health System in which Dr. Melvin Sparks yelled at Sally Martin over substantial increases in work force, cost, and time increases. Sally Martin resolved not to share any bad news or setbacks with Dr. Sparks again creating a false sense of understanding of where the project was in the stages of completion. The original action of Dr. Sparks started a domino effect toward the failure of the project. Fundamental Activities Information Technology (IT) is responsible for the long and tedious process of installing, changing, removing, testing, and correcting the chosen information system for the health care organization. IT must have a strong plan in place for the scope of the projected project. Organizing, identifying the project champion, determining the project’s size and expectations, and establishing and implementing the project plan are the steps in the IT implementation process. Creating detailed project guidelines for cost, number of employees needed to complete the implementation and project completion dates of the different phases to help complete the goals set forth by the health care organization. Fundamental activities that led to the project failure were lack of organization, system analysis, and employee workflow. The project was set to a rushed timeline that did not permit for proper organization for the intricate details of implementing a new information system. Doing the system analysis in six months and making a choice without direct input from the employees who would be using the system on a daily basis was part of the project failure. Employee workflow is a vital portion of the selection process of a new system in a health care organization. â€Å"One of the first activities necessary in implementing any new system is to review and evaluate the existing workflow or business processes†(Wager, Lee, Glaser, Burns, 2009, Chapter 7). If the process is too complicated or cumbersome, the workforce will fight back and reject the new system. In the case study of Memorial Health System although intentions were good for the implementation of a clinician provider order entry (CPOE) system by Fred Dryer and Joe Roberts the process was rushed and not properly laid out with realistic goals in place. IT was  not given adequate time to organize, plan, or determine the scope for the steps they would need to make to implement the new CPOE. Commun ication Dr. Melvin Sparks was a fundamental player in the project failure at Memorial Health System. Probably without direct knowledge of his actions, Dr. Sparks started a domino effect that ultimately led to many of the project failures with implementing the CPOE system. The initial communication between Dr. Sparks and his appointed project manager, Sally Martin, set the communication barrier of relaying time delays, lack of workforce, and budget increases that snowballed into the failure of the CPOE implementation. Project Failure Project failure in the Memorial Health System case study was evident from the beginning of the project. The idea was solid, but the planning was not thorough. Five indicators that the project would fail are lack of clarity of purpose that happens when the objectives of the project are unclear. Lack of belief in the project happens when the key users are not convinced the system will ease their workload. Insufficient leadership support happens when the lack of commitment shows through the lack of involvement by the leaders spearheading the implementation process. Organizational inertia happens when project work is added on top of the daily workload adding stress to the employees. Project complexity is multifold and is a direct effect of when the people working on the project do not have an understanding of the scope of the project. Minimize Project Failure Memorial Health Systems could have taken different steps to eliminate or minimize the effects of the project failure on the new CPOE system. This Student would have acted differently to minimize the effects for a different outcome on the implementation process for the new CPOE system. Lack of clarity of purpose This student would have communicated that the implementation of the new system will make the daily process of patient care is necessary so the providers and supporting staff understand that it will prepare for a better patient health record and reduce errors in orders. Lack of belief in the project This student would have communicated an understanding that the new CPOE system will create an efficient and useful electronic medical record. Therefore, easing the workload and minimizing errors in patient orders. This student would have made continual updates and newsletters updating the providers and staff about improvements that they would be making in his or her patient’s care. Insufficient leadership support This student would have created a more visible and involved leadership team. This student would have created meetings and training involving both the leadership team and the providers to create a better understanding of how the implementation of the CPOE will help the quality of care given by the providers at Memorial Health System. Organizational inertia This student would have organized the workforce to help drastically reduce the amount of daily workloads to free up dedicated time for the CPOE implementation project. Working in stressful environments can create lack of forward motion on a project because of the added work. Increasing the workforce to distribute the workload will help in the project continuing to move forward. Project complexity This student would have had a frank conversation with the contributing departments and stakeholders about the complexity and scope of the CPOE project. Communication would have included that additions to the project would increase the timeframe and cost of the project. When all entities understand the complexity of the project and that, there will be delays or setbacks in the implementation process this will help ease doubt during transitional times. Conclusion Having a strong implementation plan and goals are imperative when beginning the process of adding or changing an information system. Health care is changing rapidly and implementing system changes takes time, extensive planning, and support. Ensuring that a strong foundation and understanding of the project is in place before implementing a systems change will help in the success of the project. References Wager, K. A., Lee, F. W., Glaser, J. P., Burns, L. R. (2009). Health Care Information Systems. A Practical Approach for Health Care Management, Second Edition. [University Of Phoenix]. 9780470387801

Monday, October 14, 2019

Effect of Currency Exchange Rate on Aggregate Demand Shocks

Effect of Currency Exchange Rate on Aggregate Demand Shocks The exchange rate helps insulate the economy from aggregate demand shocks but it may need unsettlingly large changes to do so. This paper will examine the extent to which the exchange rate of a currency can be used to insulate an economy from aggregate demand shocks. First, it will define aggregate demand. Second, it will look at the monetary implications of the aggregate demand curve. Thirdly it will look define aggregate demand shocks and their effect on the aggregate demand curve. Fourthly, it will examine the ways in which the exchange rate can be used to reduce the impact of an aggregate demand shock. Finally, the question of whether using the exchange rate as a means of reducing the impact of an aggregate demand shock will be examined to determine whether it is a feasible strategy and whether the amounts required would be unsettling or not. Aggregate Demand (AD) refers to the total demand (d) in the economy (Y) for goods and services at a certain price level and at a certain time. AD in an economy is the sum of all consumption (C), investment (I), government spending (G) and net exports (NX), where NX is equal to total exports (X) minus total imports (M). This can be represented mathematically as: [1] Aggregate demand is represented by the AD curve, which will show the relationship between price levels and the quantity that producers are willing to provide at that price. The relationship between AD and price is normally negative, showing that the less people are willing to pay, the less firms will produce or, from the other point of view, the less firms charge, the more people will buy. Below is a simple AD ‘curve’: In the chart above, the AD ‘curve’ is represented by a negatively sloped line. If prices (P) are lower, demand (Y) is greater. This negative relationship between price and demand has a number of important monetary consequences. It is necessary to briefly examine these prior to examining the relationship between exchange rates and aggregate demand.[2] Firstly, price levels (P) have a direct relationship to the real value of money. This is because as price levels (P) decrease, the purchasing power of consumers increases, meaning that the real value of the money they hold increases. Likewise, if P increases, consumers get less for the same money, or the real value of their money has decreased. Therefore, P and the real value of money are inversely related to each other.[3] Secondly, decreases in P cause an increase in the real interest rate. Interest rates, the price a borrower pays to borrow, or the return a lender receives for lending, can be expressed as a nominal or real rate. The nominal rate is the amount that must be paid for borrowing, expressed solely in money terms. The real interest rate is the nominal rate adjusted to take account of inflation (p). Thus real interest rates are expressed by the following formula: Thus, the higher p, the lower the real interest rate. Therefore, any increase in inflation will generally lead to pressure on the nominal interest rate to increase, to offset the deduction that will result from inflation. However, as we have seen above, price level decreases add to the real value of money, this is the same as saying that they decrease inflation. A decrease in inflation will mean that real interest rates are now higher than they were before the decrease in inflation. Therefore, price level decreases raise real interest rates and cause pressure for interest rates to be reduced.[4] Thirdly, lower prices increase the international competitiveness of the economy, and this should be reflected in increased international demand for the economy’s exports, causing a rise in net exports and thus in the aggregate demand. Now we will look at aggregate demand shocks. A demand shock is an event that is sudden and unexpected, and has the effect of measurably affecting the demand for goods and services in the economy, either positively or negatively, for a temporary period of time.[5] That is to say, the event shifts the AD curve, either to the right or to the left. A positive demand shock increases demand and shifts the curve to the right, resulting in higher prices. A negative demand shock decreases demand, shifts the curve to the left, and thus leads to a decrease in prices. Any number of events could constitute a demand shock, from an unexpected tax cut that increases consumer spending, to a dip in consumer confidence that decreases consumer spending. Likewise, an economic boom in for example China could result in higher exports to China, increasing demand. The danger of an aggregate demand shock is that they are a cause of uncertainty in the economy. Uncertainty makes it difficult for firms, government and consumers to budget properly and make the most effective investment and saving decisions. Both positive and negative demand shocks can be harmful, however, negative shocks are generally more feared. A negative demand shock, such as a drop in consumer spending, will lead to price decreases and the 2008 global financial crisis has been traced to such a demand shock in the US, which led to a fall in house prices, causing problems in the US subprime mortgage sector that then extended to the rest of the financial sector and wider economy. However, positive demand shocks, such as China’s increased demand for raw materials to fuel its economic growth have led to price increases in a number of important commodities that have also caused economic difficulties around the globe. Therefore, the consensus is that demand shocks of either ty pe are dangerous and any means of dampening them available to governments are desirable.[6] So could exchange rates be used to dampen a demand shock? A brief look at the relationship between monetary factors and the demand curve will demonstrate that exchange rates can be used to affect the demand curve. Therefore, in a positive demand shock, exchange rates could be used to decrease demand and in a negative demand shock, exchange rates could be used to increase demand. The relationship between two currencies may be nominal (e), or it may be real (RER). The real exchange rate takes into account variances in price levels in the two economies. P represents price in the domestic economy and P* the price in the foreign economy. [7] The exchange rate can be used to increase or decrease the price of goods in the economy relative to other economies. This will in turn impact on the international demand for a country’s products. This will impact on the net export figure (NX). A higher exchange rate will decrease international demand and thus will pressure a demand curve towards the left. This could be used to temper a positive demand shock that had increased demand for goods and pressured the curve towards the right. Likewise, a lower exchange rate will increase international demand, increasing exports and shifting the demand curve to the left. This could be used in the event of a negative demand shock to reduce the impact of the shock.[8] Basically, if any sector of demand changes rapidly, the government can seek to push exports in the opposite direction by making them more or less expensive. It is a simple idea and manipulating exports may be more desirable than manipulating other elements of demand, such as government spending, and may be easier to manipulate than, for example, consumer spending. Finally, the question must be asked, is the approach feasible? A central bank can quite easily impact on exchange rates by trading in its own currency. Buying will increase the exchange rate and selling will decrease the exchange rate. However, in order to move a currency value significantly, a central bank would be required to buy or sell a ‘significant’ amount of a currency. So what constitutes a ‘significant amount’ in the foreign exchange market? The global currency market is the largest and most liquid asset class in the world. The accepted size of this market in 2007 was generally put at about two trillion dollars a day. That would make it ten to fifteen times the size of the bond market and fifty times the size of the equities market. That means on a normal trading day, two trillion dollars passes hands. It would take an enormous amount of selling or buying by a central bank to make a dent in this market. A central bank that stepped in to buy or sell a couple of billion dollars worth of their currency would barely be noticed on the market, especially for the major currencies. And the question arises, how would a government fund such an intervention? It is also estimated that about 85 to 90 percent of the forex market is made up of speculators, meaning that attempts to manipulate exchange rates would be vulnerable to massive speculator bets which would have the power to undo any effect a government had on price movements.[9] Also, given the side effects of exchange rate changes, such as the relationship of the exchange rate to inflation, it is likely that the cost of moving the exchange rate, just to get the indirect benefit of altering net exports, would outweigh the benefit.[10] Therefore, it is concluded here that while exchange rates could be manipulated to insulate the economy from aggregate demand shocks, it amount of intervention required would be too large to justify the measure. Bibliography Dutt Ros, Aggregate demand shocks and economic growth, Struct.C.Ec.Dy 18 (2007) 75-99 Hargreaves-Heap, S.P., 1980. Choosing the wrong natural rate: accelerating inà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ation or decelerating employment and growth? Economic Journal 90, 239–253 Krugman Obstfeld, (2005) International Economics: Theory and Policy, 6th ed., Pearson: London Krugman, (1987) The narrowing band, the Dutch disease and the competitiveness consequences of Mrs. Thatcher, Notes of Trade in the Presence of Dynamic Scale Economies, Journal of Development Economics (Oct) 1987 p. 321 Krugman, (1998) The Age of Diminishing Expectation, MIT Press: Cambridge MA. Li, X.M., 2000. The Great leap Forward, economic reforms, and the unit root hypothesis: testing for breaking trend functions in China’s GDP data. Journal of Comparative Economics 28 (4), 814–827 Perron, P., 1989. The Great Crash, the Oil Price Shock, and the Unit Root Hypothesis. Econometrica 57, 1361–1401 Romer, D., 1996. Advanced Macroeconomics. McGraw Hill: New York. Romer, D., 2000. Keynesian macroeconomics without the LM curve. Journal of Economic Perspectives 14 (Spring (2)), 149–169 Tobin, (1975) Keynesian Models of Recession and Depression, Am. Ec. Rev. 65, 195-202 Footnotes [1] Krugman Obstfeld, (2005) International Economics: Theory and Policy, 6th ed., Pearson: London [2] Krugman, (1998) The Age of Diminishing Expectation, MIT Press: Cambridge MA. [3] Dutt Ros, Aggregate demand shocks and economic growth, Struct.C.Ec.Dy 18 (2007) 75-99 [4] Krugman, (1987) The narrowing band, the Dutch disease and the competitiveness consequences of Mrs. Thatcher, Notes of Trade in the Presence of Dynamic Scale Economies, Journal of Development Economics (Oct) 1987 p. 321 [5] Tobin, (1975) Keynesian Models of Recession and Depression, Am. Ec. Rev. 65, 195-202 [6] Perron, P., 1989. The Great Crash, the Oil Price Shock, and the Unit Root Hypothesis. Econometrica 57, 1361–1401 [7] Romer, D., 1996. Advanced Macroeconomics. McGraw Hill: New York. [8] Romer, D., 2000. Keynesian macroeconomics without the LM curve. Journal of Economic Perspectives 14 (Spring (2)), 149–169 [9] Li, X.M., 2000. The Great leap Forward, economic reforms, and the unit root hypothesis: testing for breaking trend functions in China’s GDP data. Journal of Comparative Economics 28 (4), 814–827 [10] Hargreaves-Heap, S.P., 1980. Choosing the wrong natural rate: accelerating inà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ation or decelerating employment and growth? Economic Journal 90, 239–253

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. :: essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character†. This is an excerpt from Martin Luther King, Jr.’s â€Å"I have a dream† speech, one of the many that he wrote and is well known for. Martin Luther King, Jr. is an extraordinary life, and will be remembered for his many accomplishments.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He was given the name Michael Luther King but later changed his name to Martin Luther King, Jr. He was the second child born to Reverend Martin Luther King, Sr. and Alberta Williams King. He married Coretta Scott on June 18, 1953. They had four children, Yolanda Denise, Martin Luther III, Dexter Scott, and Bernice Albertine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Martin Luther King, Jr. began his education at the age of five, but when the school found out that he was not yet six, they dismissed him from school until the following year. His scores were so high on the college entrance examinations in his junior year of high school, that they advanced him to college without a formal graduation from high school. He skipped both the ninth and twelfth grades, so he was only fifteen when he entered Morehouse College. He graduated with a B.A. degree in sociology. He then went on to a Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania. He continued his studies in theology at Boston University and Harvard. He was awarded the Ph. D degree on June 5, 1955.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Martin Luther King, Jr. was ordained in February of 1948 at the age of nineteen. Dr. King was awarded many honorary degrees from various colleges and universities in the United States and several foreign countries. Dr. King was a driving force in the Civil Rights Movement. He was arrested thirty times for his participation in Civil Rights activities. Dr. King received numerous awards for his leadership in the Civil Rights Movement. Dr. King also wrote six books and numerous articles. Dr. King’s speech at the March on Washington in 1963, along with his acceptance speech of the Nobel Peace Prize and his final sermon in Memphis are among his most famous utterances. Dr. King won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 at the age of thirty-five. He was the youngest man, second American, and third black man to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

jeremiah healy :: essays research papers

Jeremiah Healy is the award-winning author of the John Francis Cuddy private-investigator series and the Mairead O'Clare legal-thriller series, both set primarily in Boston. Born in Teaneck, New Jersey on May 15, 1948, he graduated from Rutgers University in l970, got his JD at Harvard Law School in l973, and passed the Massachusetts Bar in 1974. He was an associate with a Boston law firm, from l974 to 1978, gaining a lot of courtroom experience. (Michaels, 2003) The Army ROTC helped pay for his education, and Healy served as a military police officer, leaving the Army in 1976 as a captain. He married Bonnie M. Tisler on Feb. 4, l978, the same year he began teaching at the New England School of Law in Boston. His first novel, Blunt Darts written during the summer of 1981, was rejected 28 times before it was published in 1984. The book is dedicated â€Å"To Bonnie, who is Beth.† Healy has served as President of the Private Eyes Writers of America for two years, and is a past Awards Chair for the Shamus. In October 2000, he was elected President of the International Association of Crime Writers (IACW). Books of his have been translated into French, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, and German. He was toastmaster at the 1996 World Mystery Convention (Bouchercon) and will be International Guest of Honor at Bouchercon 2004 in Toronto. (Michaels, 2003) Healy has written seventeen novels and over sixty short stories. Fifteen of these works have won or been nominated for the Shamus Award. The Mairead O'Clare legal thrillers are UNCOMMON JUSTICE, JUROR NUMBER ELEVEN, and A STAIN UPON THE ROBE, which has been optioned for Hollywood by Flatiron Films (producer of PAY IT FORWARD, starring Helen Hunt and Kevin Spacey). Healy's later Cuddy novels include RESCUE, INVASION OF PRIVACY, THE ONLY GOOD LAWYER, and SPIRAL. A stand-alone private-eye thriller, TURNABOUT, appeared in December, 2001, and the second collection of his Cuddy short stories, CUDDY PLUS ONE, was published in the summer of 2003. The first collection of Healy's non-Cuddy stories, OFF-SEASON AND OTHER STORIES, appeared from Five Star in June, 2003. (Cincinnati Media, 2005) Healy’s most recognized character, private investigator John Francis Cuddy, is more moral than religious, a man who believes strongly in representing his clients, keeping his promises, and ferreting out the truth. He stays sexually faithful to the memory of his dead wife; waiting until he finds someone he thinks can replace Beth in his life.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Comparison Between Perfect Competition and Monopoly Essay

Uploading instructions Please view the assignment submission process document provided to you by the Virtual University to upload the assignment. Rules for Marking It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if: The assignment is submitted after due date; The submitted assignment does not compile or run; The assignment is copied. Objective The assignment is being uploaded to make the students read their handouts thoroughly. As it has been observed that the students are not reading their handouts properly so the assignment will bridge the gap between the students and the handouts. The assignment will also augment the students’ understanding of the importance of some specific dates and incidents in the history of Pakistan. Assignment (Fill in the blanks with appropriate words) 1. The Lahore Resolution was moved by _______________. 2. The World War started in 1939 3. The Hindus started Quit India Movement in ____________seeing British in trouble.. 4. Lord Wavell announced elections in ________ 5. In __________1945 the elections of Central Legislature were held and the ML won all 30 Muslim seats. 6. On___________, 1946, all the newly elected Muslim members pledged in the Delhi Convention to shatter the Hindu dream of united India. 7. The Interim Government was formed under Nehru on September _________1946 and the ML stayed away. 8. Khizr Hayat Tiwana was a Muslim Leader from the_____________. 9. ___________meeting of the Constituent Assembly was held on August 11, 1947 and the ceremonies on August 14. 10. ____________appointed as Viceroy and he arrived in Delhi on March 22, 1947. Attempting Methodology All the students should write down the whole sentences along with the missing words in accord with their order. Requirements of the Assignment 1. The medium of the course is English. 2. Assignment means comprehensive details about the given topic quoting different sources (books/articles/websites etc. ) but this assignment does need these things. 3. Copied material will be awarded ZERO. 4. After due date Assignment will not be accepted. Note: You should prefer to upload your assignment in word document file.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

50/50 Movie Review Essay

When we first saw the trailer for the film 50/50 starring Joseph Gordon Levitt and Seth Rogan, we knew this was a must-see. The film’s rough story of a 20-something year old battling with â€Å"stage five back cancer† taught us that life is too short to sweat the small stuff. People go through tragic battles like disease and the possibility of dying when all we do is find ourselves complaining about small, narrow problems in life. Adam demonstrated true optimism and showed the audience that accepting an issue is one of the biggest hurdles, but once it is accepted, anything can be taken on head-first. 0/50 is the story of how life can be taken on as â€Å"glass half empty† or â€Å"glass half full. † Throughout the film, Adam had many disappointments like his long-term girlfriend cheating on him. His mother’s overbearing attitudes were to drive anyone crazy. His father was even battling Alzheimer’s disease. Yet he pushed past all those downfalls and began therapy with talented actress Anna Kendrick (Katherine). At first he thought the idea of therapy wouldn’t help him. As he started opening up, he realized that Katherine was there for him, acting as a good friend and therapist. Even though he was at first reluctant, he realized that there were good people out there in the world that truly care for him and his well being. The night before his major surgery, Adam had a mental breakdown in his car. He realized that he didn’t want to die this young. With the help of Katherine and his best friend Kyle, he got the support that he was looking for. In the scene where he was about to go in to surgery, I was terrified for him. Seeing him cry like that made me realize that I should never take anyone or the simple pleasures of life for granted. Some people do not get the choice to live a full life, and I find myself constantly worrying about small, trivial, and unimportant things. This film was an emotional roller coaster. Although we all could not stop laughing at Kyle (played by Seth Rogan) and Adam’s witty humor, some of us have also never cried that hard in a movie theater. This film taught us that we need to appreciate all the people that are in our lives and appreciate all the sacrifices that they make for us. We need to laugh more. We need to let people know that we appreciate all the things they go out of their way to do for us. We need to realize that life really is beautiful and not all people are selfish as they seem to be. We also need to stop worrying so much. We need to appreciate life’s beauty and all the wonderful things people can offer us. This film was top-notch and would recommend anyone to go see this flick, male or female.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Strategic Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Strategic Management - Research Paper Example Chinese market offers one of the most lucrative investment avenues owing to the rapid economic progress that it made during the recent past. Etisalat- a UAE based telecom company is planning to make an entry into the Chinese market. Being one of the emerging firms in the world offering telecommunication services, the entry of Etisalat into the Chinese market will mark a new beginning in the history of the firm. However, Chinese market poses different types of risks and offer new and unique opportunities therefore it is necessary that Etisalat must do its homework and assess the situation with the help of different strategic frameworks and models in order to gain significant insight into the Chinese market. Etisalat (firm) started its operations in 1976 and primarily served UAE market by providing telecommunication solutions. Over the period of time, however, it became one of the leading telecom services providers in the Middle East Region and expanded its operations in more than 18 countries of Asia, Africa as well as Middle Eastern countries. Serving a total customer base of 94 million, Etisalat is considered as the 13th largest mobile services provider in the world. Such high level of penetration into the market therefore indicates that the firm has the capability and will to expand into new markets to create further value for its shareholders. The majority shareholder is UAE government. (Huawei) Started as a joint venture between the local partners from UAE and Britain’s International Aeradio Limited, Etisalat is now largely owned by the UAE government with 60% shareholding whereas remaining 40% is publically held. It is also because of this reason that Etisalat held the official patronage of being the only firm in UAE allowed to telecommunication services within the country and outside the country. The official support of the firm therefore further increased its

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Is the Judicial Branch Still the Weakest Branch of Government Essay

Is the Judicial Branch Still the Weakest Branch of Government - Essay Example Every day, Linda Brown together with her sister had to pass through a risky railroad switchyard to reach the bus stop for the drive to their all black elementary school. The elementary school near the Brown’s house was only for the white students. This prompted Linda Brown together with her family to present this issue to court since it breached the 14th Amendment. The judgment passed by the federal district court was that discrimination in public education was detrimental to black students but since both all- white schools and all black schools had similar transportation, buildings, teachers, as well as, curricula, the court declared the segregation lawful (Olivo 123). Being dissatisfied with the court verdict, the Browns took their case to the Supreme Court asserting that although the facilities were the same, discriminated schools could never be alike to one another. Eventually, the Supreme Court passed their judgment that state laws demanding segregated but equal schools b reached the EPC (Equal protection clause) of the Fourteenth Amendment. This case was relevant since it set the basis for the civil rights movements and provided African Americans with the hope of the removal of segregated but equal on every front policy. In fact, it reversed decades of the segregationist practices in America. Therefore, it is a transformational event, which brought the birth of social and political revolution, and opened the entrances of all public schools to every individual within the US. Additionally, it enabled individuals of different colors have equal chances to a public and free education irrespective of their races and residential places. The judicial unit of the US lacks power to judge, and this choice to carry decisions and make the judgment lies on the executive. As noted by the court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education, the executive delegates the privilege and holds the communitys sword (Court

Monday, October 7, 2019

Risks and Complications of Abortion Procedures Essay

Risks and Complications of Abortion Procedures - Essay Example The typical risks and complication of the surgical abortion include excessive bleeding, injury to the uterus and cervix, and infection of the uterus and the fallopian tubes (State of Alaska). Medical abortion involves the use of specific drugs to kill the unborn child. The commonly used drugs include mifepristone, methotrexate, prostaglandins, and salt poisoning. Mifepristone is an inhibitor of the progesterone hormone, and disrupts the lining of the uterus. The disruption deprives the fetus nutrition, as well as protection, and eventually the unborn child dies (American Life League). Methotrexate affects the growing cells of the fetus and other support systems. Injection of the salt to the amniotic fluid renders the child lifeless through dehydration, bleeding, and convulsion (American Life League). The possible complications of the medical abortion include hemorrhage, infection, and severe pain (State of Alaska). Chemical abortion procedures entail the use of drugs that disrupt the implantation of the baby. The method causes the death of the fetus. The common methods of chemical abortion comprise of Ortho-Evra, NuvaRing, Depo-Provera Contraceptive Injection, and Plan B. Ortho-Evra and NuvaRing suppress the gonadotropins, and make the implantation of formed baby impossible by disrupting the uterus lining (American Life League). Similarly, Plan B and Depo-Provera Contraceptive Injection cause thinning of the endometrium. The potential risks and complications consist of headaches, drug reactions, inability to conceive, vomiting, and nausea (State of