Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Fantastic Author Of The World s Most Wonderful Children

Biographical Summary The fantastic author of the world’s most wonderful children’s stories is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, or better known by his pen name, Lewis Carroll (Heath). Coming from a clerical family in Cheshire, England, Dodgson grew up to be a fairly interesting mathematician, deacon, and writer (Heath). Ultimately prospering in the art and absurdity of children’s literature, which is what Carroll is best known for today. Who would later become the famous â€Å"Lewis Carroll†, was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. He was born January twenty seventh, 1832, as the third of eleven total children to Frances and Reverend Charles Dodgson, whom he was named after (Tyle). Growing up, Charles Dodgson was raised by gentle mother and a father who†¦show more content†¦Some psychoanalysts argue that these supposed friendships were pedophelic while other agrue that they were harmless, but still fascinating, and make his literary words even more enticing (Heath). Regardless, Dodgson often spent afternoons with the daughters, creating fanciful stories on a whim. The youngest of which was Alice, who one day prompted Dodgson to create an improvised story that would one day become what generations know as Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Tyle). It was first put into print when young, Alice begged Carroll to write the story down so she could later reread the wonderful tale (Tyle). Once he had decided he w ould publish the story, illustrations were added by John Tenniel and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was published in 1865 (Tyle). Due to its profound success, Carroll penned the less popular sequel known as Through The Looking Glass and What Alice Found There, published in 1872 (Tyle). Following this publication, Carroll received much praise for how he depicted logic throughout the story (Tyle). Being an extremely math-oriented person, Carroll included some of his own mathematical findings involving logic, syllogism, and construction of puzzles into almost everything he ever wrote (Ables). In fact, in terms of quantity, most of what Carroll wrote was mathematical rather than fiction, but it is his

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Types Of Internet Network For A Home Area Network Essay

Contents Page No. †¢ Introduction 2 †¢ Types of Internet Network 2 †¢ Networking Devices 3 †¢ Han Architecture 3 †¢ Transmission Media 3 †¢ Cables 4 †¢ Future Trends in HAN 4 †¢ HAN Security Issues 5 †¢ Common Infrastructure Issues 6 †¢ How to Secure HAN 7 †¢ Conclusions 9 †¢ Reference 10 HOME AREA NETWORK A Home Area Network is an interconnection in which some networking devices are connected with each other for sharing resources between them with the help of internet. The main advantage of Home Area Network is that you can share different type of content i.e. videos, audios etc. among different users. A computer with large storage memory can be used as server which can be easily accessed by the clients and users can easily access the data whenever they wanted to access. As in Home Area Network everything i.e. Resources, Data, Information etc. is shared so each user can use devices like Printers, Scanners which will be very cheap. Also another main advantage of Home Area Network is that there is no need to buy several different Public IP Address’s for different devices, administrator of network can only have single Public IP Address and assign this public IP address to a modem or a router, while a modem or a router in turn assigns a private IP address to each device to access t he internet. Many people are turning to their home computers for both work and entertainment. Some companiesShow MoreRelatedWhat The User Uses Use A Specific Lan For A Local Area Network ( Lan ) Essay1508 Words   |  7 Pages†¢ Describe what the user mainly use a specific LAN for A local area network (LAN) is a computer network within a small environmental area such as a home, school, computer laboratory, office building or group of buildings. A LAN is composed of inter-connected workstations and personal computers which are each capable of accessing and sharing data and devices, such as printers, scanners and data storage devices anywhere on the LAN. LANs are characterized by higher communication and data transfer ratesRead MoreWired Wireless Lans1484 Words   |  6 Pagesdesigner of a wireless networks. Answer 1:- Introduction: LAN is a  local Area Network and a computer network covering a small physical area, like a home, office, restaurant or small group of buildings, such as a school, a college or an airport. Although a LAN can be used as an isolated network to connect computers in an organization for the sole purpose of sharing resources, most LANs today are also linked to a wide area network or the Internet. A  LAN  can be one of two types:  wired  or  wireless. ARead MoreHow To Set Up A Home Network Essay1205 Words   |  5 Pagesthe practice of linking two or more computing devices together for the purpose of sharing data. Some people ask why should I need to set up a home network. There are several advantages to setting up a home network. Often you might want a file or program theyve downloaded from the Net to be available to all of the computers at home. With a home network files can be shared more conveniently, faster eliminating passing files around on floppies or CD and sharing files. You can also copy or moveRead MoreLocal Area Network ( Wan )1547 Words   |  7 PagesLAN stands for local area network and is normally a group of computers that share a common communications line typically, connected devices share the resources of a single processor or server within a small area such as an office. A LAN may serve as few as two or three users such as in a home network or as many as thousands of users such as a FDDI network. WAN A Wide Area Network (WAN) is a communication network made up of computers that are far away from each other. The most common example ofRead MoreNetworks And Standards Of Network1582 Words   |  7 PagesNetworks and Standards In this piece of work I will talk about different network types, topologies, architectures and specify the standards and protocols often related to them. Furthermore I will discuss network hardware and software required by a PC to join a network and access shared resources. Finally, I will look into different network services provided by the networks and the Internet. Network Types Personal are network PAN is a computer network which is there to communicate with other computerisedRead MoreWireless Networking1370 Words   |  6 PagesWIRELESS NETWORKING Introduction A  wireless network  is any type of  computer network  that uses wireless data connections for connecting  network nodes .Wireless networking is a method by which homes, telecommunications networks  and enterprise (business).Installations avoid the costly process of introducing cables into a building, or as a connection between various equipment locations.  Wireless  telecommunications networks are generally implemented and administered using  radio communication. This implementationRead MoreDifferent Types Of Computer Networks915 Words   |  4 PagesThere are many different types of computer networks. The most simple and common types are LAN, MAN and WAN. Let’s start by identifying what is a simple network. By definition â€Å"a simple network is formed when two or more computers are connected to each other†. (Gtelco) The digital information from the first computer is transferred to the second via a Network Interface Card (NIC), that information is translated in to a network language. That information travels via the connection (most common connectionRead MoreComputer Networking1332 Words   |  6 Pagesor devices. A computer network is any set of computers or devices connected to each other with the ability to exchange data. It is sometimes considered a sub-discipline of telecommunications, computer science, information technology and computer engineering since it relies heavily upon the theoretical and practical application of these scientific and engineering disciplines. There are three types of networks namely: Internet, intranet, and extranet. A computer network, often simply referredRead MoreOnline Tutorials Related On Network Administration Topics Essay1185 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction This assignment asks us to evaluate online tutorials related to network administration topics. In this case, we are to evaluate the online tutorial, covering networking basics. Our evaluation should include a brief discussion of what the tutorial teaches, significant technical terms learned, areas for improvement, and our experience using the tutorial. The networking basics tutorial teaches the history of networking, starting with the invention of theRead MoreApplication Server : A Server1666 Words   |  7 Pages 1) Server - A server is a computer or a device which is connected on a network that is managing all the network data. There are many types of servers, for example file server, database server, print server, etc. Client – A client is part of a client server, a client runs on a personal computer or in most cases on a work station and relies on the server to perform some of the operations. For example, an email client is an app that enables you to send and receive emails. Router – The router is a

Friday, December 13, 2019

Strategic Management and Personal Media Players Free Essays

Apple, Inc. in 2010 Assignment Questions 1. What are the chief elements of Apple’s overall competitive strategy? How well do the pieces fit together? Is the strategy evolving? 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Management and Personal Media Players or any similar topic only for you Order Now What are the key elements of Apple’s strategy in computers, personal media players, and smartphones? Have its strategies in its core businesses yielded success? Explain. 3. What does a competitive strength assessment reveal about Apple’s computer business, as compared to the leaders in the personal computer industry? Use the methodology in Table 4. to support your answer. Does it appear that the company’s competitive positions in personal media players and smartphones or stronger or weaker than its position in computers? 4. Does it make good strategic sense for Apple to be a competitor in the computer, personal media player, smartphone, and tablet computer industries? Are the value chain activities that Apple performs in computers, personal media players, tablet computers and smartphones very similar and â€Å"compatible† or are there very important differences from product to product? Which of the four products lines—computers, tablet computers, personal media players, or smartphones—do you think is most important to Apple’s future growth and profitability? Why? 5. What is your assessment of Apple Computer’s financial performance the past three years? (Use the financial ratios in Table 4. 1 on pages 94-96 of the text as a guide in doing your financial analysis. ) 6. What recommendations would you make to allow Apple to strengthen its position in its most important markets? What steps should it take to ensure that the iPad becomes a success in the marketplace and a major contributor to the company’s overall performance? Google’s Strategy in 2010* Assignment Questions 1. Discuss competition in the search industry. Which of the five competitive forces seem strongest? weakest? What is your assessment of overall industry attractiveness? 2. How is the search industry changing? What forces seem most likely to bring about major change to the industry within the next three to five years? 3. What are the key factors that define success in the industry? What are the key competencies, capabilities, and resources of successful search engine companies? 4. Describe Google’s customer value roposition and profit formula linked to its business model. What strategies has Google relied upon to build competitive advantage in the industry? 5. Have Google’s business model and strategy proven to be successful? Should investors be impressed with the company’s financial performance? How does the company’s financial performance compare to that of Microsoft and Yahoo? Please conduct a financ ial analysis to support your position—you may wish to use the financial ratios presented in the Table 4. 1 of the text as a guide in doing your financial analysis of the company. . What are the company’s key resources and competitive capabilities? What competitive liabilities and resource weaknesses does it have? What opportunities exist? What threats to its continued success are present? 7. What recommendations would you make to Google’s top-management team to sustain its competitive advantage in the search industry? How should it best capitalize on its strategic initiatives in mobile phones, cloud computing, emerging markets, and other ventures? Southwest Airlines in 2010: Culture, Values, and Operating Practices Assignment Questions . Is there anything that you find particularly impressive about Southwest Airlines? 2. What grade would you give Southwest management for the job it has done in crafting the company’s strategy? What is it that you like or d islike about the strategy? Does Southwest have a winning strategy? 3. What are the key policies, procedures, operating practices, and core values underlying Southwest’s efforts to implement and execute its low-cost/no frills strategy? 4. What are the key elements of Southwest’s culture? Is Southwest a strong culture company? Why or why not? What problems do you foresee that Gary Kelly has in sustaining the culture now that Herb Kelleher, the company’s spiritual leader, has departed? 5. What grade would you give Southwest management for the job it has done in implementing and executing the company’s strategy? Which of Southwest’s strategy execution approaches and operating practices do you believe have been most crucial in accounting for the success that Southwest has enjoyed in executing its strategy? Are the any policies, procedures, and operating approaches at Southwest that you disapprove of or that are not working well? 6. What weaknesses or problems do you see at Southwest Airlines as of mid-2010? 7. Does the AirTran acquisition make good strategic sense for Southwest? 8. What strategic issues and problems do Gary Kelly and Southwest executives need to address as they proceed to close the deal with the AirTran acquisition and contemplate how best to integrate AirTran’s operations and AirTran’s employees into Southwest? 9. What recommendations would you make to Gary Kelly and Southwest executives as the company heads into 2011? Competition in Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks and Vitamin-Enhanced Beverages Assignment Questions 1. What are the strategically relevant components of the global and U. S. beverage industry macro-environment? How do the economic characteristics of the alternative beverage segment of the industry differ from that of other beverage categories? Explain. 2. What is competition like in the alternative beverage industry? Which of the five competitive forces is strongest? Which is weakest? What competitive forces seem to have the greatest effect on industry attractiveness and the potential profitability of new entrants? 3. How is the market for energy drinks, sports drinks and vitamin-enhanced beverages changing? What are the underlying drivers of change and how might those forces individually or collectively make the industry more or less attractive? 4. What does your strategic group map of the energy drink, sports drink, and vitamin-enhanced beverage industry look like? Which strategic groups do you think are in the best positions? The worst positions? 5. What key factors determine the success of alternative beverage producers? 6. What recommendations would you make to Coca-Cola to improve its competitiveness in the global alternative beverage industry? to PepsiCo? to Red Bull GmbH? How to cite Strategic Management and Personal Media Players, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Purple free essay sample

Wow, have Stone Temple Pilots changed. Forget the unfair remarks about STPs music merely being recycled rock. And definitely forget about the endless Pearl Jam comparisons. Weiland and the boys are back with their new album,Purple to free your mind of any misconceptions you may have had about them in the past. Their music has an almost completely new style that they can genuinely call their own. Most of the songs follow this format: the melody starts out very soft and, just when you think its going to be a ballad, out comes a very potent song blasting through your speakers. Interstate Love Song would be a good example. It starts out with sort of a country intro. Yeah, I know country stinks, but trust me, STP make it work. Seconds later Dean DeLeo lets loose on his Fender. Army Ants is another good example. The song begins mellow and dazed, but then Eric Kretzs pulsating drumbeat aborts the monotone and Weiland starts yelling, You dont look but you kick me/You cant feel but you hit me. We will write a custom essay sample on Purple or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page While most of the songs are fast paced, there are a few soft tunes. Actually, some of the most subdued songs are also the most powerful. Big Empty, though very dim, is probably the most ardent song Ive ever heard from them. The softer songs also have the more personal lyrics. For instance,Still Remains is obviously about his wife: Love is still and sweat remains/A cherished gift unselfish feeling. Although this album isnt exactly emotionally cathartic, its also not one to be ignored. .

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Mythology as a means to understand the Power Relations between Men and Women

Mythology as a means to understand the Power Relations between Men and Women The distinction between man and woman requires no need for elaboration. It is obvious for everyone to see. But there are those who use these differences to interpret the role that women and men should play in society. In ancient times men believe that they were supposed to rule over women.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Mythology as a means to understand the Power Relations between Men and Women specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There is no better proof of this assertion other than the study of mythology because it can be said that mythology is a form of distillation of ideas. Thus, in Greek mythology, one can see how this belief is perpetuated. There are even those who argue that myth-making was used to propagate this view. The best examples of course are the stories that related to Zeus and the way he treated women. In Greek-mythology the power relations is easy to understand; women were supposed to be dominated by men. Greek-mythology can be partially blamed for the demotion and devaluation of women. There is no way to deny this claim because the main plot of the stories that came from this region tells of how easy it was for men to violate women and get away with. For an outsider looking in, especially those who study these myths, the way ancient men treated women is not only barbaric but accomplished with a sense of pride and entitlement – as if it was man’s natural right to abuse women and do as they please with them. The idea was reinforced by the myth about gods and their relationships with women both mortal and goddesses alike. Zeus and the Excuse to Dominate Women If indeed Greek mythology was created not only as a form of explaining the origin of life in this region but also to explain the purpose of life, then Greek mythology was used as form of teaching tool to direct all the inhabitants of Greece to their rightful places. It also makes sense of the sociological order that existed during that period in history. With regards to power relations between man and woman there is no better way to illustrate it than to construct gods that have gender both male and female. These gods do not only possess the desires common to mankind but they too have the ability to procreate. It provides an explanation not only to the origin of life on earth but also about human nature. Zeus the most powerful god in Greek mythology gave the command to Prometheus to create man and for a while Zeus enjoyed the fruits of his creation. But man did something that made Zeus angry and has to be punished. The method use to punish man is one of the first examples of how ancient civilizations view women.Advertising Looking for essay on ancient history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the story Zeus instructed Hephaesutus to create a woman of stunning beauty and name her Pandora. Her beauty was the cover that hid the deadly gift inside. It is therefore telling that when the gods made woman she was given a deceptive heart, a lying tongue and a curious mind that would soon be the downfall of all mankind. Pandora was supposed to give his male counterpart great joy on account of her beauty and other gifts but instead she became more of a curse than a blessing. The gods could have given her the abilities to become a wonderful daughter, wife and mother but instead they gave her a box. It was the box of evil because it contained a plague that would bring about sorrow, poverty, sickness, disease and all manner of misfortune. It was unfair therefore to entrust the box to her because she was handicapped with a curious mind and she could not help herself but open the forbidden box, the receptacle that was ordered to be closed at all times. It can be argued that the gods, especially Zeus wanted men to suffer on account of her. When the contents of the box was released to the world, the rest of mankind can now look at Pandora and accuse her of destroying the idyllic life that they used to enjoy. It has created a no-win situation for all her descendants. If everything goes fine and perfect then man gets the credit. But the moment things turn ugly, everyone turns to her as the reason for the cursed ground, the foul weather, and the of course the anger of the gods. More importantly, it provided the justification for man’s rude treatment towards women all throughout history. This is just one part of Greek mythology that many took to heart and it placed women in a dangerous position because the groundwork needed to make them the scapegoat of everything and the emotional punching bag of men was already completed. It is therefore important to clarify that this is not the truth with regards to the nature of man and woman. In reality the gender roles should compliment each other as seen in the beautiful tandem of a contended husband and a happy wife. But in many places, especially i n ancient Greece, the story of Zeus and the way he abused women is a reflection of the insecurities of men. Their behavior, especially the behavior of their male gods was the evidence of the wrong use of power.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Mythology as a means to understand the Power Relations between Men and Women specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The positive use of power should result in the creation of something of great value, of great beauty and a blessing for all. The wrong use of power is rooted in the need to cover up insecurities. Thus, in Greek mythology the male gods like Zeus will never take responsibility for the things that they have done. They believe that they are always right. Demeter and Women’s Suffering The insecurities of the male-dominated society created a perversion of the use of power. Man was never created to dominate women. In the same way women were never created to make the liv es of men miserable. The differences of both and their respective unique gifts were supposed to be used for the good – provide solution to the problems of this world. But in Greek mythology, power was used to assign blame and to punish those who were supposed to be guilty. Unfortunately, women were seen as the culprits. The best example to illustrate this point is the way Zeus and the gods violated women. And one of the tales that depicts this perverse perspective is the story of Demeter and her daughter Persephone. Demeter was a goddess and her daughter too. But this did not spare mother and child from the perverse mind of the male gods Zeus and his brother Hades. Zeus was more powerful than Hades and therefore he could easily have commanded him to stop looking at her daughter with lust in his eyes. However, Zeus looked the other way when Hades decided to abduct his niece. An innocent child, picking flowers and not a mean bone in her body she was taken against her will. She suffered tremendously and she wailed and shouted with all her might seeking help. Her terror-filled heart was not enough to convince Zeus that his brother had no right to treat his daughter that way. But the father of Persephone did not intervene. This sends a strong message to men and women of ancient Greece. The lust of men knows no bounds and instead of doing something to rein it in, its expression is allowed even if it means violating the rights of women. This was a precursor to arrange marriages as well as forcing women to marry the men that they did not love. This story is proof that men can do what they want and they can even do questionable acts and they would never be held responsible for their actions. The introductory part of the story tells of how gods and mortals were unable to perceive what had happened. It seems to say that the ancient could easily turn a deaf ear and a blind eye towards the crime committed against women. The reaction of Zeus towards the grief and lon ging of Demeter also shows how he values his wife.Advertising Looking for essay on ancient history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Needless to say, a male dominated society takes care of the needs and problems of men within their own circle of power and they never had to think twice to sacrifice the comfort and well-being of women if this is the way to make men happy. The story of Demeter and Persephone is not only an illustration on how men were given the right to hurt and persecute women; it is also a story of how women are forced to do evil in order to accomplish their goals. Men can do whatever they want and if they so desire something they simply took it by force. But women had to use their wiles and forced to scheme to get what rightfully belongs to them. In the end Demeter was able to retrieve Persephone but she paid a great price. More importantly, Hades was not entirely defeated because he was shown to be more crafty by cheating Persephone and as a result she was forced to spend a third of every year under the earth, in the lair of the dead because she was forced to do something that made her bound to Hades. Conclusion Power relations between men and women in ancient Greece can be seen through their mythology. The mythology as seen in the story of gods and goddesses is one way to explain the belief system of these ancient people. But at the same time it is the reflection of what they felt inside. Power relation in ancient Greece can be understood as a reflection of the insecurities of men in a male-dominated society. Men needed a scapegoat and someone to focus their frustrations. They created stories and propagated ideas that the first woman was the reason why there are so much pain, hunger, and sickness in the world. These stories gave them the justification to vent their anger on women as well as abuse them. However, it must be made clear that men were never created to dominate women and vice versa. Their differences were supposed to be used to compliment each others strength and weakness. If this happens then power can be used to create good and not evil.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Shostakovich 8th String Quartet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Shostakovich 8th String Quartet - Essay Example Born on September 25, 1906, into the family of an engineer, in St Petersburg, Shostakovich didn't appear to be, in his first years of childhood, as talented as he proved to be later on. But as his parents loved music very much and considered that it was necessary in the process of a child's education, Shostakovich the child received musical lessons. The young Shostakovich showed great interest in music and began studying it seriously, and more than just interpreting other composer's music, he started composing his own pieces of work. As most of the great composers, Shostakovich spoke through his music. As for his personal life, he didn't like to show too much of it. "He was an intensely private person who guarded his personal life and feelings jealously. What all but a very few close friends and family members were permitted to experience of the man was the stiff faade of a civic-minded public servant and consummate music professional." (Fay, 2000 p.2) It's only after his death that the publication of memoirs, diaries, letters, revealed facts about him and his life, some of them controversial. Christopher Norris (1984) shows that Shostakovich's performances of his own music reveal a great flexibility of tempi and the tendency to exaggerate the extremes of his metronome marks. The same source reveals the fact that the members of the Beethoven String Quartet were life-long friends of Shostakovich and this is what gives flexibility to their interpretation. Norris emphasizes on the fact that there are many examples in Shostakovich's chamber music, of movements of unrelenting loudness. And he presents some of these examples: the second movements of the eighth and Tenth Quartets and the Violin Sonata, and most of the third movement of the Third Quartet. Norris analyses in detail the String Quartets. When dealing with the eighth, he begins by showing that the composer is careful about the placing of accents and stresses. And he gives an example: "when the lower three instruments are intoning the revolutionary song "Tormented by the weight of bondage" fortissimo espressivo in octaves, the first violin's independent part has accents on every note to help the balance."(Norris, 1984 p.23) The composer's commentator also remarks the conflict between dissonance and consonance and the task of the performer who must interpret the music using "the appropriate fingering, stress, balance, rubato and vibrato, to highlight the patterns of tension and release." (Norris, 1984 p.23) Norris admits that sometimes the consonance and dissonance are no more than the result of purely horizontal lineality, but he considers that most of the times, the context is deliberately tonal. About Shostakovich's musical style, Martynov says: "AT A FIRST HEARING of Shostakovich's music one is struck by the remarkable facility of his style. So effortless is his manner of solving the most complex problems of composition that it would seem nothing is impossible to him. Few of his contemporaries can compare with him in this. Such creative ease, moreover, is a sure sign of great talent and consummate skill." (1947 p.154). He points out the fact that the Russian composer "worked with extraordinary facility and speed": "his String Quartet was written

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Marketing Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 4

Marketing Management - Essay Example The use of English advertising in foreign countries is one that is well-studied. In Japan, for instance, the usage of English connotes sophistication and modernity, as it also does in South Asia countries like India. In India, the usage of English is used to convey sophistication and modernity, while the usage of Hindi, the lingua franca of India, is used to connote tradition and belonging. In the Hispanic population living in the United States, English advertisements is seen as not accommodating, yet is somewhat positive if the listener has linguistic insecurity. Spanish advertisements have the opposite effect they are accommodating, yet are somewhat negative for those with linguistic insecurity. Therefore, the researcher found that a mix of Spanish and English is most effective in these populations, as it mixes accommodation and respect (the Spanish part of the ad) with a positive feeling of linguistic security (the English part of the ad). The use of English in the country of Japan is becoming an increasingly popular phenomenon. The attribution of the high number of loan words in Japan dates back to the Meiji Restoration in 1868, in which Japan was transformed from feudal to a modern state by adopting Western civilization (Takashi, 1990, p. 327). There are a high number of English loan words in the Japanese language, much more so than loan words from European nations. English loan words represent 80.8% of Western loan words in Japan, with the other western loan words coming from France, Germany, Italian and Dutch (Takashi, 1990, p. 327). This is because the Japanese study English more than any other foreign language. There is some thought that the Japanese people regard English as representative of something cosmopolitan and international, and modern English words are seen as conveying sophistication and modernity, especially in they are used in advertising. (Takashi, 1990, p.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Crisis - Essay Example In a span of fifteen minutes, the duo had already killed twelve students and a teacher while wounding more than twenty. Few minutes after midday, the teens turned the guns on themselves and committed suicide. As the incidence was going on, a radio station made a call to the executive director of Jefferson Country Public Schools, Rick J. Kaufman, found in Colorado. They passed on the breaking news and immediately Rick and his assistant superintendent rushed to the school. Rick tried to reach the school management to no avail since the school is on a large community park with so many residential areas. In a span of twenty minutes, there were several responders including paramedics, police, fire, and emergency helicopters all trying to locate the shooters and save the wounded students. On the other hands, the parents who had heard the news from the media sources were rushing to the school too. In addition, the employees and other students were fleeing out of the school’s compound. Rick made communications back to the office since it was the district’s crisis command center. At this time, his primary duty was to act  as a liaison between the law enforcement and the school per sonnel at the district’s command center and the crisis site (Fearn- Banks, 2010). According to Rick, there was a crisis management plan in place that had been written to the school districts but during this incidence, they did not take the opportunity to follow the plan to the letter. The media was more interested in what was happening particularly who was responsible and who was injured. The attack drew the attention both national wide and in the international media industry. According to Rick, the event seemed to dominate the media’s attention 24/7. The team  made efforts  to make sure that any information that the school district released to the public had no hearsay basis. One of the interventions that were put in place was setting up relocation sites near

Friday, November 15, 2019

Night by Elie Wiesel

Night by Elie Wiesel Kurtis Mayes Night by Elie Wiesel is a terrifying but powerful autobiography. Eliezer or Elie Wiesel was born in the town of Sighet in Transylvania. He was just a teenager when he was moved to the ghetto then sent away to the concentration camps. Many events in the world have been captured in history books but among the ones that we have heard about, the holocaust is the one that most of us remember. A holocaust is a destruction or slaughter on a mass scale. The Jewish Holocaust was a controlled, state financed torture and killing of roughly six million Jews by the Nazi government led by Adolf Hitler. Apart from the Jews, other groups considered inferior or anti-establishment such as Romans and Gypsies were killed. Moshe the Beadle was the first character introduced in the book Night. Moshe, some may say, served as a replacement for Elie Wiesel. Night can be read as an attack averse to silence. Many times in the book evil is preserved by a silent lack of resistance. In this case, the repeated disregarding of Moshes warning about what danger lies ahead for the Jewish people. The Nazis most definitely treated the Jewish people as less than human. The Nazis doctors experimented on the Jewish people in an attempt to create a superior race of man. The Nazis also crammed the Jewish people in to cattle cars to transport them from place to place, or they forced marched them. If one of th e people fell or went to the ground, they were killed. In the first chapter, Elie describes his father as a rather unsentimental man and told us of how He is more concerned with others than with his own family. Right away you see that Elie and his father were not that close. Elies father was one of the leading men in the community and did not approve of Elie reading the Kabbalah. The Kabbalah is the ancient Jewish tradition of mystical interpretation of the Bible, which formed a barrier of separation between Elie and his father. The first bond that Elie had with his father is when they reach the concentration camp know as Auschwitz. The first orders yelled at them is Men to the left! Women to the right!. At this point, Elie did not know he was to be separated from his mother and three sisters forever. It is now that Elie and his father start the terrifying and miserable journey of life in the camps together. Later in the book Elies mother and three sisters die at Auschwitz but Elie and his father were reinstated at Buchenwald. When Elie arrived at Auschwitz, he saw the mistreatment of killed Jews being burned in mass graves. The book states that Elie witnessed an old man getting beat with a revolver that a SS soldier owned. He knew at that point that this journey had to go through was not going to be easy and it wasnt going to be stress free. Men, women, and childrens bodies were tossed into huge piles of bodies and burned. For the Jews, meal times were the most important event of each day. After morning roll call, the Jewish people would be given their morning meal which was an imitation coffee or herbal tea. For lunch prisoners may have been given watery soup. If they were lucky, they might get a very small piece of a turnip or a potato peel. In the evening prisoners may have been given a small piece of black bread; they may also have received a tiny piece of sausage, or some marmalade or cheese. Marmalade was generally a fruit preserve made from the juice a nd peel of citrus fruits boiled with sugar and water. The bread was supposed to last the prisoners for the morning also, so prisoners would try to hide it with them while the slept so that no one would steal their food and so that they can eat small bits at a time without getting yelled at or beaten. Hunger was one of the greatest problems. The deficient rations were merely intended to keep the prisoners alive. The Nazis did not provide prisoners with sufficient nutrition to carry out heavy manual work. Many thousands died from starvation or illnesses brought on by lack of nutrition. The Nazis crammed the Jews in very poorly made barracks to sleep. The Nazis spit on the Jews and they treated them worse than the Blacks were treated in the USA during the early years of building America. One of Wiesels strengths in Night is to show the full terror of dehumanization, the Jews had to go through. It is something that the Nazis perpetrated against the people they imprisoned. The tattooing of numbers on the prisoners, something that Elie notes, is important. A- 7713 is by definition an example of dehumanization because it steals the human out of the word humanity. The brutality that the Nazis committed on their prisoners is another example of dehumanization. The public beatings, the hanging of prisoners and making others walk past them, as well as the selection process are all examples of dehumanization. When Elie had to run at full speed to avoid being noticed during one of the selection processes, it is a reminder, it shows just how large dehumanization played a role in the Holocaust. Even in actions that the Nazis took towards Jewish people before the extermination, dehumanization was present. Being forced to wear the Yellow Star and the dramatic and almost immediate forced movements into the ghettos are all examples of dehumanization that the Nazis executed. Wiesel shows th e true horror of dehumanization to impact the relationships between Jewish people. Wiesel makes the claim that the terror of the Holocaust existed in how everyone dehumanized one another. Moshe the Beadle one of the first characters that get brought up in this book. His Role was not just a little boy in a book that got banished for telling myths. Moshe the Beadle is a symbol of dehumanization. During the first few chapters he is dehumanized by the people of Sighet. When he comes back to tell them what he experienced, he is dehumanized in the way that he is discredited and banished. Moshe the Beadle represents barbarize within Germany by the treatment he receives. This process continues in the train when the men on the train beat up Madame Schà ¤chter. When she exclaims that she sees fire, she is not heard. Rather, she is told to shut up and then forcibly beaten into silence. Once again, dehumanization is evident in how victims of evil treat one another. Throughout the camps, exampl es of children abandoning parents, people betraying one another, and aloneness dominating human actions until survival is all that remains are examples of dehumanization in the book. These examples show that the Holocaust happened because individuals dehumanized one another. In seeing, human beings as less than human beings, individuals were able to treat one another with a lack of dignity and voice. Elie struggled with his faith is a conflict in the book. In the beginning, His faith in god was undoubtedly pure. His belief in an almighty, benevolent God is unconditional, and he cannot imagine living without faith in a supreme higher power. During the Holocaust, His faith was definitely shaken up by the events that he had to endure. Elies belief in the divine and that God is good, his studies taught him, God is everywhere in the world, therefore the world must therefore be good. Elies faith in the good will of the world is irreversibly shaken, however, by the cruelty and evil he endu red during the Holocaust. He imagines that the concentration camps are unbelievable, disgusting cruelty could possibly reflect divinity. He thinks that if the world is so disgusting and cruel, then God either must be disgusting and cruel or must not exist at all. In one of Nights most famous passages, Eliezer states, Never shall I forget that nocturnal silence which deprived me, for all eternity, of the desire to live. It is the idea of Gods silence that he finds most troubling, as this description of an event at Buna reveals: as the Gestapo hangs a young boy, a man asks, Where is God? yet the only response is total silence throughout the camp. After reading this book, I noticed that Wiesels work indicates that anytime voice is silenced, dehumanization is the result. This becomes its own end that must be stopped at all costs. Elie has a powerful way to explain what he had to go through to become a free person again. It just makes you wonder what pushes someone to mass murder a group of people or to turn a whole nation against one group or kind of people just because they are different.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Cowboys With Guns :: essays research papers fc

Cowboys with Guns during the Wild Wild West   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the Old West, guns played an important role in the lives of cowboys. There were various kinds of guns that cowboys used. They fell into two categories: hand gun and rifle. The most common handguns were the Derringer and the Colt .45; as for rifles there was the Winchester. Most of the time guns were used for shooting animals for food or calming the cattle. Occasionally, a cowboy might have to use one against Indians or rustlers. On the trail most cowboys would have guns with them but they would leave them in the chuck wagon. (The chuck wagon was a cart that was usually in the back of the herd that held all of the cowboy’s goods.) They left the guns in the wagon because the guns were heavy and often times got in the way and could be dangerous while riding a horse. Most cowboys were not very good with guns and even one cowboy shot himself in the foot. The gun did come in handy though, especially when a stampede occurred. The cowboys would ride to the chuck wagon, grab their guns, and continue to the front of the herd where they would shoot three evenly spaced shots over the leader-cattle’s heads. This would usually stop the stampede. The Derringer was a small pistol with a large caliber that had two barrels, which were parallel horizontally or vertically. It could be laid in the palm of the hand and made a terrible wound when shot at close range. In some towns along the trail cowboys used Hideouts when they had to turn in their 6-Shooters. A Hideout was a Derringer that was hidden in the boot, a shoulder holster, waistband, or hung by a cord down the sleeve or coat. Cowboys would wear one so that if someone accused them of cheating they would be able to defend themselves. The Winchester was the term used for a rifle or carbine. This gun was one of the best-selling guns around. Some cowboys said that this gun could shoot for a week and not have to be reloaded. This, of course, was not true but this was said because the Winchester could hold quite a bit of ammunition. The Colt .45 was also a very common gun in the old west. Cowboys With Guns :: essays research papers fc Cowboys with Guns during the Wild Wild West   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the Old West, guns played an important role in the lives of cowboys. There were various kinds of guns that cowboys used. They fell into two categories: hand gun and rifle. The most common handguns were the Derringer and the Colt .45; as for rifles there was the Winchester. Most of the time guns were used for shooting animals for food or calming the cattle. Occasionally, a cowboy might have to use one against Indians or rustlers. On the trail most cowboys would have guns with them but they would leave them in the chuck wagon. (The chuck wagon was a cart that was usually in the back of the herd that held all of the cowboy’s goods.) They left the guns in the wagon because the guns were heavy and often times got in the way and could be dangerous while riding a horse. Most cowboys were not very good with guns and even one cowboy shot himself in the foot. The gun did come in handy though, especially when a stampede occurred. The cowboys would ride to the chuck wagon, grab their guns, and continue to the front of the herd where they would shoot three evenly spaced shots over the leader-cattle’s heads. This would usually stop the stampede. The Derringer was a small pistol with a large caliber that had two barrels, which were parallel horizontally or vertically. It could be laid in the palm of the hand and made a terrible wound when shot at close range. In some towns along the trail cowboys used Hideouts when they had to turn in their 6-Shooters. A Hideout was a Derringer that was hidden in the boot, a shoulder holster, waistband, or hung by a cord down the sleeve or coat. Cowboys would wear one so that if someone accused them of cheating they would be able to defend themselves. The Winchester was the term used for a rifle or carbine. This gun was one of the best-selling guns around. Some cowboys said that this gun could shoot for a week and not have to be reloaded. This, of course, was not true but this was said because the Winchester could hold quite a bit of ammunition. The Colt .45 was also a very common gun in the old west.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Behaviors of Domestic Cats

Cats have been kept as domestic pets since ancient times. They are known as loyal, finicky and independent creatures. Their behaviors can tell us whether they have a physical ailment, are upset or worried or are happy and contented. (Catsinfo. com) When a cat rubs up against someone, they are showing ownership of that person and marking them as such. Cats can be quite finicky as to who they like and can even choose to ignore someone if they decide they do not like them. (Budiansky, 2002) A cat is naturally inclined to claw things such as furniture, drapes or rugs.Many people have their cats declawed to prevent damage to these objects. While this was commonplace for many years, it is now becoming something of a controversy. Animal rights activists and many cat owners are comparing the procedure to amputation and vehemently oppose the practice. With time and effort, cats can be trained to use a scratching post. One problem for cat owners is the hazard that most house plants present to the cats. In the wild, cats eat grass to help with fur in their stomach. Many common house plants can be poisonous to cats if ingested.Hanging plants are not always safe since cats will climb furniture to reach them. Some owners have found that growning a small patch of grass in a container will keep the cats happy enough to leave the other plants alone. Many indoor cats use a litter box instead of the outdoors. In the wild, cats bury their feces to keep predators from scenting them. This behavior continues indoors as well. Cats are naturally clean animals and like the litter box to be clean as well. One of the main issues for cat owners is urination in an area other than the litter box.There can be many causes for this behavior and it is trial and error until the problem is resolved. Finding the right litter box and type of litter can also be trial and error as some cats prefer one thing, some another. One reason for a cat to refuse to use the litter box is that it is not clean. If the litter box is clean, it may be a physical ailment such as a bladder infection or urinary tract infection. Any ailments should be treated by a veterinarian. A cat may show it is upset by urination outside the litter box as well.Cats can be upset by any number of things such as changes in habitat, additions of new pets to the family or other changes. Watching a cat’s tail can be a good indication of the cat’s mood. A tail that is erect and held high indicates a friendly mood. A tail that is laying down and twitching usually indicates the cat is pensive or irritable. A tail held high and fluffed out is a good indicator that the cat will attack if provoked. (xmission, 2007) Cats show affection in several ways. Purring is the most commonly recognized behavior of a friendly, content cat.A cat will purr when happy, many times while being petted. Cats will also rub against a person to show friendliness and also to mark the person as their. Cats have scent glands all over their bodies that enable them to mark their territory. property This is another behavior taken from the wild where they mark their territory against other animals invading it. Butting their heads against a person is another way of showing affection. Urinary spray is also a way for them to mark their territory but having them spayed or neutered at around six months of age will stop this behavior.Cats are natural hunters and will stalk birds, small animals and toys. It is their instinct to hunt that causes them to pounce on toys and bat them around. Cats are good hunters and quite fast at times. Many farms keep cats as mousers in the barn and home. Cats will chase small toys or laser lights. This is the hunting instinct in them causing this behavior as cats are attracted by movement. Cats have a tendency to show attention to people who do not care for cats when they visit. This is due to a behavior in the wild that indicates submissivness.Cats will look directly at another cat and sho w aggression if protecting territory or young. A cat who refuses to look directly at another cat or seems to ignore it is showing submission to the other cat. It is the same behavior in people who do not care for cats, they tend to look away or try to ignore the cat. This is an invitation to the cat to show dominance. A cat that is injured or in pain will tend to hide itself in a dark area. This is a behavior that often saves their lives in the wild. Injured or weak animals often become food for predators so hiding is a natural instinct.Cats will often do the same thing indoors when hurt. It is important to remember that any injured or pained animal will strike out if frightened and extra care should be taken when attempting to extricate the cat from its hiding place. (xmission, 2007) Cats make wonderful pets and are relatively low maintantence due to their independent nature. They do not require constant attention or reassurance. They can be trained to overcome inappropriate behavi or and are extremely affectionate when it suits them. Whether the cat is an indoor cat or an outdoor cat, the behaviors tend to be the same.Instinct plays a large part in cat behavior and knowing these behaviors can lead to a satisfactory cat and owner relationship. Works Cited Budiansky, Stephen. â€Å"The Character of Cats: The Mystery Is Not Why They're So Antisocial but Why They're Social at All. † The Atlantic Monthly June 2002: 75+. Questia. 26 Sept. 2007 . http://www. catsinfo. com Moore, Glenda. â€Å"Catstuff† Retrieved September 24, 2007 from http://www. xmission. com/emailbox/whycat. htm

Friday, November 8, 2019

Learn the pH of Common Chemicals

Learn the pH of Common Chemicals pH is a measure of how acidic or basic a chemical is when its in aqueous (water) solution. A neutral pH value (neither an acid nor a base) is 7. Substances with a pH greater than 7 up to 14 are considered bases. Chemicals with a pH lower than 7 down to 0 are considered acids. The closer the pH is to 0 or 14, the greater its acidity or basicity, respectively. Heres a list of the approximate pH of some common chemicals. Key Takeaways: pH of Common Chemicals pH is a measure of how acidic or basic an aqueous solution is. pH usually ranges from 0 (acidic) to 14 (basic). A pH value around 7 is considered neutral.pH is measured using pH paper or a pH meter.Most fruits, vegetables, and body fluids are acidic. While pure water is neutral, natural water may be either acidic or basic. Cleaners tend to be basic. pH of Common Acids Fruits and vegetables tend to be acidic. Citrus fruit, in particular, is acidic to the point where it can erode tooth enamel. Milk is often considered to be neutral, since its only slightly acidic. Milk becomes more acidic over time. The pH of urine and saliva is slightly acidic, around a pH of 6. Human skin, hair, and nails tends to have a pH around 5. 0 - Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)1.0 - Battery Acid (H2SO4 sulfuric acid) and stomach acid2.0 - Lemon Juice2.2 - Vinegar3.0 - Apples, Soda3.0 to 3.5 - Sauerkraut3.5 to 3.9 - Pickles4.0 - Wine and Beer4.5 - Tomatoes4.5 to 5.2 - Bananasaround 5.0 - Acid Rain5.0 - Black Coffee5.3 to 5.8 - Bread5.4 to 6.2 - Red Meat5.9 - Cheddar Cheese6.1 to 6.4 - Butter6.6 - Milk6.6 to 6.8 - Fish Neutral pH Chemicals Distilled water tends to be slightly acidic because of dissolved carbon dioxide and other gases. Pure water is nearly neutral, but rain water tends to be slightly acidic. Natural water rich in minerals tends to be alkaline or basic. 7.0 - Pure Water pH of Common Bases Many common cleaners are basic. Usually, these chemicals have very high pH. Blood is close to neutral, but is slightly basic. 7.0 to 10 - Shampoo7.4 - Human Blood7.4 - Human Tears7.8 - Eggaround 8 - Seawater8.3 - Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)around 9 - Toothpaste10.5 - Milk of Magnesia11.0 - Ammonia11.5 to 14 - Hair Straightening Chemicals12.4 - Lime (Calcium Hydroxide)13.0 - Lye14.0 - Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) Other pH Values Soil pH ranges from 3 to 10. Most plants prefer a pH between 5.5 and 7.5. Stomach acid contains hydrochloric acid and other substances and has a pH value of 1.2. While pure water free of undissolved gases is neutral, not much else is. However, buffer solutions may be prepared to maintain a pH near 7. Dissolving table salt (sodium chloride) in water does not change its pH. How to Measure pH There are multiple ways to test the pH of substances. The simplest method is to use pH paper test strips. You can make these yourself using coffee filters and cabbage juice, use Litmus paper, or other test strips. The color of the test strips corresponds to a pH range. Because the color change depends on the type of indicator dye used to coat the paper, the result needs to be compared against a chart of standard. Another method is to draw a small sample of a substance and apply drops of pH indicator and observe the test change. Many home chemicals are natural pH indicators. pH test kits are available to test liquids. Usually these are designed for a particular application, like aquaria or swimming pools. pH test kits are fairly accurate, but may be affected by other chemicals in a sample. The most accurate method of measuring pH is using a pH meter. pH meters are more expensive than test papers or kits and require calibration, so they are generally used in schools and labs. Note About Safety Chemicals that have very low or very high pH are often corrosive and can produce chemical burns. Its fine to dilute these chemicals in pure water to test their pH. The value wont be changed, but the risk will be reduced. Sources Slessarev, E. W.; Lin, Y.; Bingham, N. L.; Johnson, J. E.; Dai, Y.; Schimel, J. P.; Chadwick, O. A. (November 2016). Water balance creates a threshold in soil pH at the global scale. Nature. 540 (7634): 567–569. doi:10.1038/nature20139

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on The Crying of Lot 49

Before the telephone was invented, people wrote letters to each other to stay in touch. Soldiers would write letters to their wives and families conveying their love and, even today, people write letters to better communicate. Writing is a way of expressing yourself, a way to think about what you are feeling and communicate that to other people. In The Crying of Lot 49, Thomas Pynchon has his characters write letters in order for them to better understand each other and also to communicate to the reader what is happening in the novel. Indirectly, Pynchon is also satirizing the importance of letters and written communication because, in the novel, the letters confuse the plot instead of clarifying it. As the novel begins, Oedipa receives a letter that is seemingly clear, yet it is the beginning of a mystery that complicates the story and complicated Oedipaà ­s ability to think clearly. As she finds out more about the mystery of the Tristero, she comes across the W.A.S.T.E. system of mail. This system forces people to write letters even when they have nothing to say and mocks the United States Postal Service. Although this novel seems like an ordinary mystery, its underlying tones of satire, through malfunctioning communication, are prevalent within Oedipa and in the letters that are written between characters and the W.A.S.T.E postal system. Oedipa Maas receives a letter that states that she is the legal executor of her ex-boyfriends estate. It contains pertinent information about what happened and what her duties are. To the reader, this is a point of clarification. Although the letters seems to be concise and to the point, it is the beginning of a big conspiracy that Oedipa will eventually uncover. After she receives the letter, she starts to see weird images that do not seem to be related. She talks about Rapunzel, magic, and Pierce. Its hard to understand why she would have such mysterious images from one letter, but what seems like... Free Essays on The Crying of Lot 49 Free Essays on The Crying of Lot 49 Before the telephone was invented, people wrote letters to each other to stay in touch. Soldiers would write letters to their wives and families conveying their love and, even today, people write letters to better communicate. Writing is a way of expressing yourself, a way to think about what you are feeling and communicate that to other people. In The Crying of Lot 49, Thomas Pynchon has his characters write letters in order for them to better understand each other and also to communicate to the reader what is happening in the novel. Indirectly, Pynchon is also satirizing the importance of letters and written communication because, in the novel, the letters confuse the plot instead of clarifying it. As the novel begins, Oedipa receives a letter that is seemingly clear, yet it is the beginning of a mystery that complicates the story and complicated Oedipaà ­s ability to think clearly. As she finds out more about the mystery of the Tristero, she comes across the W.A.S.T.E. system of mail. This system forces people to write letters even when they have nothing to say and mocks the United States Postal Service. Although this novel seems like an ordinary mystery, its underlying tones of satire, through malfunctioning communication, are prevalent within Oedipa and in the letters that are written between characters and the W.A.S.T.E postal system. Oedipa Maas receives a letter that states that she is the legal executor of her ex-boyfriends estate. It contains pertinent information about what happened and what her duties are. To the reader, this is a point of clarification. Although the letters seems to be concise and to the point, it is the beginning of a big conspiracy that Oedipa will eventually uncover. After she receives the letter, she starts to see weird images that do not seem to be related. She talks about Rapunzel, magic, and Pierce. Its hard to understand why she would have such mysterious images from one letter, but what seems like...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Freedom of Expression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Freedom of Expression - Essay Example The Alien and Sedition Acts are landmark policies that aimed to curtail the freedom of expression. The Alien Acts pertain to the status of naturalization of aliens, extending the required years of residence from five to fourteen years. They also include the legalization of actions against aliens, such as giving the President or his administrative assistants, the power to deport aliens who are deemed as threats to the government. The Sedition Act of 1798 made it a crime for any person to make â€Å"any false, scandalous, and malicious† statement about the U.S. government, Congress, or President (Werhan 12). The Congress opposed the Sedition Act. Republicans argue that the First Amendment does not give power for Congress to regulate the freedom of expression (Werhan 12). They also emphasize that it prevented citizens from getting the information they need to vote their officials in and out the office (Werhan 12). This movement expanded the freedom of expression to closely reflec t the goals of the First Amendment and to protect the freedom of speech in relation to criticisms against the government.The Alien and Sedition Acts are landmark policies that aimed to curtail the freedom of expression. The Alien Acts pertain to the status of naturalization of aliens, extending the required years of residence from five to fourteen years. They also include the legalization of actions against aliens, such as giving the President or his administrative assistants, the power to deport aliens who are deemed as threats to the government. The Sedition Act of 1798 made it a crime for any person to make â€Å"any false, scandalous, and malicious† statement about the U.S. government, Congress, or President (Werhan 12). The Congress opposed the Sedition Act. Republicans argue that the First Amendment does not give power for Congress to regulate the freedom of expression (Werhan 12). They also emphasize that it prevented citizens from getting the information they need to vote their officials in and out the office (Werhan 12). This movement expanded the freedom of expression to closely reflect the goals of the First Amendment and to protect the freedom of speech in relation to criticisms against the government. The abolitionists used the freedom of speech to fight for the â€Å"immediate end of slavery† (Werhan 15). They formed organizations, held public rallies and meetings, and even directly advocated slaveholders, by sending them antislavery publications (Werhan 15). The abolitionists attacked slavery in the national media because they believed that by doing so, they could make the abolition of slavery as the primary agenda of the government (Werhan 15). The Southern slave states fought back by banning anti-slavery speech (Werhan 15). When the abolitionist, Presbyterian minister Elijah P. Lovejoy was killed by a mob trying to burn his warehouse, where he protected free press, it further fueled the fire for freedom of expression (Werhan 16). His death highlighted the urgency of protecting the freedom of expression as a right of all citizens, so that they may be protected against the infringement of civil freedoms.

Friday, November 1, 2019

How a society could improve its functionality Essay

How a society could improve its functionality - Essay Example One of the long-term benefits of this theory is that behaviours are improved to suit the majority after they are treated with. Therefore, deviant behaviours that disrupt the social norms are then adjusted to be capable of bonding much more strongly to the society. Deviation that takes place in any society is because people experience different types of social pressure, that restrict the preferences when an individual performing any action practically (Howe, 1987). Lately, it was becoming increasingly doubtful whether this theory will ever see the psycho-social view. The reason is that Goldschmidt discussed in the book; 'the anti-historic approach made it impossible to examine social processes, rejection of psychology made it impossible to understand attitudes and sentiments, and the rejection of culture led to a lack of recognition of the ecological context' . Thus, now the fixers approach social systems in all three types psycho-socially, behaviourally and/or functionally (Howe, 1987). Psychoanalysis helps by reflecting the situations a person faced during his/her childhood and behaviourally it is concentrating on problems during that time period. While sociologically, functionalism ensures that social order doesn't overrule stability as Brown defines in his book. 'The continuity of the social structure is not destroyed by changes in the units'. People, who have been isolated by the society, are treated by helping them develop the relationsh ip with the society. Fixers of the society face problems like individually induced pathology, systems failure and others. Whereas, the limitations faced by fixer theory is rather concerned with the scientific methods, which is arguable, as uses implies that the people living in the physical world are objectively real. It can be successfully observed through conducting social analysis or interviews. Conversely, if the society lacks the consistency to stabilize the culturally suitable behaviours or norms, there are several social control mechanisms which restore this conformity. The control mechanisms ensure functional consistency, by restoring it or isolating the ones who don't obey the rules. But according to Brown 'this limits the value of human rights to live as they would like to'. They are seen merely as objects rather than individuals. The functionalist theory is oblivious to the natural and historical process, so it assumes that societies are meant to be in equilibrium. This helped the functionalists to predict the place of an individual in a social system along with the expectations which are supposed to be fulfilled. In other words, it means that every individual's behaviour can be predicted scientifically! In spite of all this, sociologists believe that they can understand the laws, which define the behaviours of a society. Although, this serves as an incentive for further research on this subject, while the objective analysis may not completely comprehend the social phenomena in the long run. References: Howe. D. 1987. Introduction to Social Work Theory. Revised Edition. UK. Publisher: Ashgate. Brown. R & Kuper.A. 1977. The Social Anthropology of Radcliffe-Brown. Edition:

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Market Research proposal report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Market Research proposal report - Essay Example The industry gives transport services for freight and also passengers. Businesses within the industry aim at making it very interesting to woo customers to desire to use services provided by the industry. The study of the industry reveals that there are political, economic, socio-cultural and legal factors that affect it. The Pest analysis should be used to analyze the environment in which the industry operates in. This simple analysis involves understanding the industry's political, economic, social, and technological environment with references to the various companies within the industry. (Massingham, et al. 1988) Political factors have a direct and indirect effect on the performance of the various companies within the airline industry. There are some decisions which have been made by the federal government of the United Kingdom which has really had a negative effect on the performance of the industry. For instance, in 2001, the federal government brought legal suits and made decisions to minimize the production and marketing of high performance to countries believed to be a threat to the security of U.K. This move impacted negatively to the general operations of companies within the industry. (Michael, 1985) The industry has also been affected by economic factors. These include: Currency exchange rate, interest rate policy, consumer factors, and fiscal policy rates. The industry has to adhere to the fluctuations in the market depending with how a consumer perceives the offered products. In the times of economic recession, less people use air transport because of the low affordability of this kind of transport. Hence the industry has continually suffered for lack of customers. Therefore, the industry makes minimal profits because of the few customers it is able to acquire at such times. (Jan, 2002) The market has also been affected by social factors. Forces within the society such as media, family and friends have affected the operations of companies within the industry. The media has played a role in influencing customers to believe that the services offered by the industry are of high quality. Social factors have affected the opinions, interests, and attitudes of the industry's potential customers. The industry's success can be greatly attributed to social factors. (Scholes, 1993) Technological factors have also played a role in affecting the industry's performance. The internet for example has assisted the industry to extend its global out reach. Most of the marketing mix strategies which the airline has used have kept in touch with changing technology and modernization in the ever changing world. E-commerce and Radio Frequency identification-RFID are some of the modern technological aspects embraced by the industry. The industry has tried to always keep abreast with technology. The modern technology present in the industry has given it a competitive edge over other related industries. The technology has also greatly increased the effectiveness of the services offered by the industry. (Schlesinger, 1991) Some of the services that can be introduced in to the industry include postal services. Here, letters and mails will be transported via planes to where they are needed. This enhances the speed of postal services in the world as a whole. The targeted customers will include rich business people who need to deliver mail to business people based in other parts of the world urgently. The cost of this service will

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Media Impact on Youth Violence Essay Example for Free

The Media Impact on Youth Violence Essay When we were children, there were only thirteen channels on television, only one house phone, there was no cellular phones and no computer but a typewriter in the house. We played outside, hopscotch, jump rope and stickball. Was not allow to watch primetime Television including the news, we was told its was for grown-ups. My, how times change from then to now, everywhere you turn you have access to some sort of media outlet, television with over hundreds channels in every language, almost everyone has a smart cellular phones, hand held video games, computers are made portable as laptops, tablets and iPads. Not to mention every social media you can think of, Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Myspace, and so forth. In today`s world the media is like a double edge sword and has been blamed for numerous of society’s down falls including youth violence, that has become one of the largest discussions in America. The media outlet have been accused for starting street arguments among rap artist, youth homicides, gun violence in schools and street gangs’ wars. Even though society shouldn’t be held accountable for the behavior of youth people, the media increases violence behavior because of the availability of media access and lack of parental control on the media. Youth violence can start at a very early age and continue onto adolescence and young adulthood. This behavior can be harmful to the youth involve in the violence or the victim. Youth violence is define in the CDC report, bullying, slapping, hitting, and causing physical and bodily harm to another person with or without weapons. Rampantly, youth violence is sweeping across United States becoming the second largest killer of youth (Prevention, 2012) ages 15 to 24. According to the recent study done by the CDC, â€Å"Understanding Youth Violence† (2012): â€Å"4,828 young people aged 10 to 24 were victims of homicide—an average of 13 each day—in 2010.1† â€Å"Over 707,000 young people aged 10 to 24 years had physical assault injuries treated in U.S. emergency departments in 2011—an average of 1,938 each day.1† â€Å"In a 2011 nationwide survey, about 33% of high school students reported being in a physical fight in the 12 months before the survey.† â€Å"About 5% of high school students in 2011 reported taking a weapon to school in the 30 days before the survey.† â€Å"In 2011, 20% of high school students reported being bullied on school property and 16% reported being bullied electronically.† â€Å"Each year, youth homicides and assault-related injuries result in an estimated $16 billion in combined medical and work loss costs.† â€Å"Understanding Youth Violence† (20 12): In the past, the two famous rap artists were victims of violence that led to their murders because of propaganda that generated finance in the music media and taken serious by the listening audience, which was mostly adolescence and young adults. The two victims were Christopher â€Å"Biggie Smalls† Wallace and Tupac Shakur. These artists lived two coast apart. Tupac was from the West Coast and Christopher was from the East Coast, which turned into an â€Å"East Coast and West Coast Beef.† As we take off the vial of truth, of how this started the bottom line is gang related. These artists used the music media as a source for their personal turf war. Music, a weapon for the war to fuel the misrepresentation and represents their gangs, â€Å"Bloods and Crips.† Street gangs are the response to direct interferences and indirect factors. People react differently to gangs; most people are in denial or in shock (Justice, 1999). Gangs are the urban answer to the community trying to solve an economic and demographic problem that they think, can be solved with violence. Their community is in a state where children grow up with no father and seek male guidance from the gang leader that in their eyes seem like the answer because he has money, and respected in the streets; this is what children in the urban community thinks is the way of life, money, power, and respect. Behind this concept, violence seems to be the answer to all problems. As, stated above the media would take this economic problem and call it â€Å"Black on Black Crime† and make it look like the people are just killing each other and the media sometimes glorify and make the gangs look like the thing to be because the street credit the media created for the person/s is rampant. Recently, school across the country in suburban America has been face with the increase in school violence. Let us look at the recent school shooting in Sandy Hook Elementary, CT, a community that was not affect by the inner city demographic such as impoverish neighborhoods, but are not invincible to the social and public media as this tragic news went viral throughout the airwaves. Cyber bullying also has become a source of youth violence, through the Internet, and cellphones, young people has found ways to hurt their peers by sending threating messages, posting rumors and harassing messages on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Cyber bullying can cause anxiety, depression, and been link to suicides. Young people has found this new platform in the media to humiliate there friends and impose emotional violence on another (Prevention C. f., 2012). My son was victim of cyber bullying that was also gang related. Facebook was as the medium to instigate and carry out actions that resulted in my son being shot. He was victimized electronically, which made him react with words in a rap and the counter-reaction resulted in gun violence. The media can be blame for the increase in youth violence especially, living in today`s cyber revolution, with ready available wifi and news at your fingertips. It difficult to block out and stay ignorant to the violence in the world around us, children’s cartoons, movies, video games and music videos has become the entertainment for adolescence and young adults, with action fights, aggressive behavior, and foul language which basically co-sign the glamorous world full of acceptable bad behavior. The violence in the media has because an enormous entertainment business, from Monday Night Raw on cable television to Assassin’s Creed, one of the top ten bestseller video game. The video games industry in the past decade only has become one of the largest part of world entertainment industry. The numbers tell us in grossing over twenty something billion dollars in 2011 in American sales alone, which make it clear that this industry is one of the key player in media entertainment environment. From the first release of Atari, game system in the early in the mid-70s to Nintendo Wii, Sony PlayStations, and Microsoft Xbox, video games has definitely come a long way. The household entertainment budget show over forty percent of American households has a gaming system and because of the inappropriate and violence content, such as shooting, murders, theft and fighting. Some experts like David Welsh believes that video games can be bad for children`s health increasing the heart rate and blood pressure in children who spend more than eight hours a week on the game console.{The impact of Media on Children and Teens}. As well as increasing aggressive behavior among youth, for example the recent story in Washington in the media, about a fourteen-year-old boy shooting his parents, because they took away his video games. Most parents today toil to find a suitable balance between keeping up, and staying ahead of the children`s entertainment agenda with an ever-growing worlds of technology and media this has become quite difficult. With devices like smartphones and video game console that can access the Internet like a computers, and with the constant availability to media, parents are face with the struggle of not know whether or not their children is being exposed to appropriate content. This twenty first century has become more difficult to raise a child than the nineteen century, back then society was about up bring, decency and respect. Today`s society has though out yesterday`s value and is focus on what sells, indecency, profanity, sexuality and violence makes money and that’s the bottom line. This new society, most parents are single and overworked, lacking the resource of childcare, are force to use the media as a 24 hours babysitter. We do needs to protect our children from the money hungry media that is victimize our children at the expense of lining their pockets, by setting limits of television, gaming and not give a children a cell phone until they are mature and responsible enough to use it, but how can we be without being in two places at once. In conclusions as the media impact on youth violence will continue to be an ongoing discussion in America, whether it`s lack of parent superior or the media has no consideration and has no respect for society. We trusted the media for years and have brought them into our living rooms to entertain and some cases educate our families. Simply, due to evolution they have fell short of that responsibility, the constant changing technology of electronic gadgets and the overwhelming access to the media via the worldwide web giving entree to social networks, video games and cyber bullying and unlimited access to movies. With this new age society, we have forgotten how to raise our own children and left them in the hands of technology. As well as myself, have been guilty of handing my toddler the iPad to keep her quite at times. If we continue to depend on technology to raise our children, not spending that one-on-one time that is needed, our children would not have any social skills and a lack empathy for others which; leads to actions without thinking logic of consequences, which is not learned on television and the video games. A parent has to take the responsibility back to raise his or her own children and not use technology as babysitters. Furthermore, wasn’t that the way our parent was raises fifty to sixty years ago and there was very low crime and little to none youth violence, because there was limited or no media access. References Gentile, D. A., Humphrey, J., Walsh, D. A. (Jun 2005). Media Ratings for Movies, Music, Video Games, and Television: a Review of the Research and Recommendations for Improvements. Adolescent Medicine Clinics. Walsh, D. (2002). A Normative Study of Family Media habits. (, Interviewer) Justice, U. D. (1999, August ). Addressing community gang problems: A model for problem solving. Retrieved from Office of Jusitce Programs: Prevention, C. f. (2012, October 23). Electronic Aggression. Retrieved from Prevention, C. f. (2012, Oct 19). Understanding Youth Violence. Retrieved from

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Vertical integration in studio system Essay -- Economics

Vertical integration in studio system The term "vertical integration" refers to the structure of a marketplace, which is integrated (rather than segregated) at a variety of crucial levels. In the case of the motion picture industry, the studio system established a market in which the studios owned production facilities, distribution outlets, and theaters. In other words, the studios controlled every level of the marketplace from the top down, from production to exhibition. "Vertical integration" began in the 1910s and inspired the postwar consolidation of the studio system as national distribution companies, such as Paramount merged with production companies, such as Famous Players and Lasky and subsequently began purchasing theater chains. All of the major studios in Hollywood (Paramount, MGM, Warner Bros., etc) owned theater chains; the minors, Universal, Columbia, and United artists, did not. The minors, distributed their pictures, by special arrangement, to theaters owned by the majors. The majors booked one another's films in their theaters. Vertical int...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Foundation Degree in Accounting & Finance Essay -- Business Management

Foundation Degree in Accounting & Finance How training contributes to the achievement of business objectives In order for the organisation to benefit from successful training, there must be a planned and systematic approach to effect management of training. R Harrison (1989:48) defined systematic approach as â€Å"†¦in order to determine as precisely as possible what are the minimum resources the organisation should invest for the development of its workforce, an accurate assessment should be made of known and agreed training needs at all levels. A training plan can then be formulated which can guide the organisation in its investment of resources, in the operation of training and development, and in their evaluation.† A plan for training and development can guide top management to make the following decisions:  · Decision about the investment of resources through time.  · Decision about the agreed corporate goals and strategy for employee development.  · Decision about the key roles necessary to ensure effective implementation of strategy. Within the individual manager’s department, there should be the same agreement on what overall needs exist, however they may be defined and over whatever time length they are to be met. The manager can then put forward a reasoned case for the resources to meet those needs. L Mullins (2002:694) cited that â€Å"The purpose of training is to improve knowledge and skills, and to change attitudes. It is one of the most important potential motivators. This can lead to many possible benefits for both individuals and the organisation.† L Mullins (2002) suggested that training can make an impact on the organisation: * Increase the confident, motivation and commitment of staff. * Provide recognition, enhanced responsibility and the possibility of increased pay and promotion. * Give a feeling of personal satisfaction and achieve, and broaden opportunities for career progression. * Help to improve the availability and quality of staff. Therefore we can see that training is an essential element of improving organisational performance. The intention of training is to generate a greater measure of positive commitment, a reduction of workplace alienation and enhanced quality of output. D Torrington et al (2002) suggested that objectives should give employees a clear idea of p... ...3rd edition, The Cromwell Press, Wiltshire Harrison R (1989), Training and Development, 2nd edition, LR Printing Service Ltd, West Sussex Mullins L (2002), Management and Organisational Behaviour, 6th edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow Torrington D et al (2002), Human Resource Management, 5th edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow Bibliography Beardwell I et al (2004), Human Resource Management – A Contemporary Approach, 4th edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow Garratt T (1997), The Effective Delivery of Training Using NLP, Kogan Page Ltd, London Harrison R (1992), Management Studies 2 - Employee Development, 3rd edition, The Cromwell Press, Wiltshire Harrison R (1998), People and Organisation - Employee Development, 2nd edition, The Cromwell Press, Wiltshire Harrison R (1989), Training and Development, 2nd edition, LR Printing Service Ltd, West Sussex Mullins L (2002), Management and Organisational Behaviour, 6th edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow Pettinger R (2002), Introduction to Management, 3rd edition, Palgrave, Hampshire Torrington D et al (2002), Human Resource Management, 5th edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cognitive approach Essay

The cognitive approach focuses on the way information is processed by humans. It looks at how we as individuals treat information and how it leads to responses. Cognitive psychologists study internal processes such as attention, language, memory, thinking and perception. The main assumption of this approach is that in when information is received it is then processed by the brain and this processing directs how we as individuals behave or justify why we behave the way we do. With the cognitive approach it is hard to view its constructions, though, some say that it is an example of theoretical constructs. This means that we cannot directly see processes such as thinking but we can infer what a person is thinking based on simply the way they act. Cognitive psychologists mainly focus on internal mental processes such as memory. Attention is put on how individuals learn to solve problem and the mental processes that are present between stimulus and response. This approach has been influenced by developments in computer science, such that the ideas are very similar. It gets its idea from how a computer works and how we process information. Based on the computer analogy, cognitive psychology is interested in how the brain inputs, stores and outputs information. Loftus and Palmers (1974) study of an eyewitness testimony demonstrates how the cognitive process of a person’s memory can be misled by other information provided after an event. This highlights that memory is a dynamic process which can be influenced by many events such as leading questions. The study also shows that memory is a dynamic process and changes to make sense of certain experiences. When individuals behave in a certain way towards another individual, it is likely that we challenge to understand how the other is thinking and feeling. Baron-Cohen’s (1997) study of behaviour and how it can be influenced by a cognitive process identifies a ‘theory of mind ’. This theory enables an individual to acknowledge grow understanding and respect for the fact that people have thoughts and beliefs that are different from their own. His study challenges to demonstrate that the main inefficiency of autism is a failure to completely develop the cognitive process of a ‘theory of mind’. This approach is different from other approaches in different ways. One way is that it adopts the use of scientific and experimental methods to measure mental processes. Another  difference is that the approach is the supporter of importance of mental processes such as beliefs and desires in determining behaviour unlike the behaviourist approach. One strength of the cognitive approach is that it uses a scientific approach through the use of laboratory experiments. These experiments are beneficial as they are extremely high in control, thus enabling researchers to recognise the cause and effect. In terms of being able to control, when Loftus and Palmers conducted their study they were able to control the ages of the participants and the location of the experiment. Every participant was asked the same questions. Furthermore, experiments such as the one discussed is easy to test for reliability. However, many cognitive studies that are carried out in laboratory settings/environment ca n lack environmental validity. It may be difficult to generalise the results/findings to everyday life if the cognitive process such as memory and theory of mind are studied in artificial situations. A further asset of this approach is the useful contributions that have risen from this approach. Understanding cognitive process allows us to help improve the way in which people execute their cognitive process such as memory or language. The Baron-Choen’s study on behaviour and how it is influential enables us to understand the behaviour of people with mental conditions. Similarly, Loftus and Palmer’s study highlights the limitations of an eyewitness testimony. Though the approach has many strengths, it also has some weakness’, one being that the cognitive approach relates to the validity of measuring cognitive processes. The approach relies heavily on a self-report and observation, meaning, we can only gather/interpret what someone is thinking. Humanism Humanistic psychology is a perspective that highlights the study of a person as a whole, this is referred to as ‘holism’. Humanistic psychologists look at human behaviour not only through the eye of the observer but through the eyes of the person doing the behave. Humanistic psychologists believes that an individual’s behaviour is linked to their inner feelings and self-image. The approach centres on the view that each person is different and unique, and each individual has free will to change at any time in their lives. The perspective suggest that we as indivduals are responsible for our own happiness and well-being. As humans with have an inborn capaticy for self –actualization which is our desire to achieve our highest potential as people. The humanists regarded scientific methods as inappropriate for studying behaviour beacause of the focus on the person and their personal experiences and perception of the world. There are two very influential theorist s in humanistic psychology. These are Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. Psychodynamic perspective Who hasn’t heard of Sigmund Freud? So many expressions from our daily life come from Freud’s theories of psychoanalysis – subconscious, denial, repression and anal personality to name only a few. Freud believes that events in our childhood can have a significant impact on our behavior as adults. He also believed that people have little free will to make choices in life. Instead our behavior is determined by the unconscious mind and childhood experiences. Freud’s psychoanalysis is both a theory and a therapy. It is the original psychodynamic theory and inspired psychologists such as Jung and Erikson to develop their own psychodynamic theories. Freud’s work is vast and he has contributed greatly to psychology as a discipline. Freud, the founder of Psychoanalysis, explained the human mind as like an iceberg, with only a small amount of it being visible, that is our observable behavior, but it is the unconscious, submerged mind that has the most, underl ying influence on our behavior. Freud used three main methods of accessing the unconscious mind: free association, dream analysis and slips of the tongue. He believed that the unconscious mind consisted of three components: the ‘id’ the ‘ego’ and the ‘superego’. The ‘id’ contains  two main instincts: ‘Eros’, which is the life instinct, which involves self-preservation and sex which is fuelled by the ‘libido’ energy force. ‘Thanatos’ is the death instinct, whose energies, because they are less powerful than those of ‘Eros’ are channeled away from ourselves and into aggression towards others. The ‘id’ and the ‘superego’ are constantly in conflict with each other, and the ‘ego’ tries to resolve the discord. If this conflict is not resolved, we tend to use defense mechanisms to reduce our anxieties. Psychoanalysis attempts to help patients resolve their inner conflicts. An asp ect of psychoanalysis is Freud’s theory of psychosexual development. It shows how early experiences affect adult personality. Stimulation of different areas of the body is important as the child progresses through the important developmental stages. Too much or too little can have bad consequences later. The most important stage is the phallic stage where the focus of the libido is on the genitals. During this stage little boys experience the ‘Oedipus complex’, and little girls experience the ‘Electra complex’. These complexes result in children identifying with their same-sex parent, which enables them to learn sex-appropriate behavior and a morale code of conduct. However it has been criticized in the way that it over emphasizes of importance of sexuality and under emphasizes of role of social relationships. The theory is not scientific, and can’t be proved as it is circular. The sample was biased, consisting of middle-class, middle-aged neurotic women. Never the less psychoanalysis has been greatly contributory to psychology in that it has encouraged many modern theorists to modify it for the better, using its basic principles, but eliminating its major flaws. Perspectives Conclusion To conclude, there are many different perspectives to psychology in explaining different types of behaviour and give different judgments. The fact that there are many perspectives shows that human behave is in fact a very complex thing to analyse. A scientific approach, such as cognitive psychology or behaviourism, often tends to ignore the personal experiences that people have. Though, the humanistic perspective does in fact recognise human experience. The psychodynamic perspective concentrates  largely on the unconscious mind and childhood. The biological perspective reduces humans to a group of mechanisms and physical structures that are essential and very important, such as genes. However, the biological perspective fails to account for consciousness and influences of the environment and behaviour.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The world of second jobs for teachers

The world of second jobs for teachers Being a teacher is an important professional calling- but it’s no easy task. Some people look at the profession and imagine it’s an easy job, with summers off and plenty of free time in the afternoon once the students go home. However, those in the know regarding what it’s really like to be a teacher know that this generalization couldn’t be further from the truth. Being a teacher is as tough as it is important. Teachers often work long hours- with tremendous responsibilities that extend both in and out of the classroom- and are constantly dealing with an array of challenging student personalities, needs, and demands (not to mention the needs of the parents and their school administrators).Another key factor working against most teachers is compensation. The notion that teachers are overworked, underappreciated, and underpaid has become a professional clichà © of sorts in the United States, and has led to a growing phenomena among educators- getting a sec ond job to make ends meet. According to a recent Washington Post article, â€Å"Many teachers are paid so poorly, in fact, that they have to take second jobs to pay their bills. A study released earl`ier this year found that in 2015, the weekly wages of public school teachers in the United States were 17 percent lower than comparable college-educated professionals- and those most hurt were veteran teachers and male teachers.†The article points out that this unfortunate situation is not isolated to any specific teaching grade level or geographic region of the country: â€Å"Nationally the situation is bleak. While other professions have seen compensation growth, teachers’ salaries have stagnated for four decades. In fact, over the last decade in 30 of 50 states, teacher pay has actually not kept pace with the cost of living. Forty-seven states face teacher shortages, and there has been a 30 percent decrease in enrollment in teacher credentialing programs in recent year s.†Since the phenomena of teachers taking on second jobs doesn’t seem to be decreasing or ending any time soon, a good strategy for these intrepid educators is to leverage their professional experience, skillsets, and work schedules to their advantage. If you’re a teacher looking for additional employment, consider the following ideas to earn some extra money and help make ends meet.Freelance EditorMost teachers have a great eye and ear for the effective flow of ideas, proper word use, and grammar, and can often spot a mistake quickly- often the result of reviewing countless student essays and reports. That’s why seeking work as a freelance editor can be a rewarding and lucrative option for teachers.Freelance editors are typically well compensated (average hourly wages can range from $25–$40 per hour or more, depending on the project and your experience level), and opportunities are available in all genres, from nonfiction to fiction and more, so yo u can feasibly work on subject matter that naturally interests you. Also, depending on the project deadline you can carve out a schedule that works around your teaching chores and other life responsibilities, making this a potentially attractive option.TutoringGetting paid to tutor individuals outside of work seems like a natural fit for someone who’s already employed as a teacher- and if it’s in a subject that you’re well versed in, then you’ll have little or no prep involved to get started. Since tutors generally set their own hours and pay scales (often based on level of commitment and subject complexity), how much you make can entirely depend on you. Furthermore, you’ll have the flexibility to set your own hours and venue.Technical WriterDo you have a talent for clearly and easily explaining complicated or technical processes? If so, then consider looking for additional work as a technical writer. Technical writers create and review instruction manuals, journal articles, company documents, and how-to guides in an effort to make technical or scientific information easier to understand. This typically requires a background in science, technology, engineering, or computers, but the good news is that if you teach in this area, it may be a great choice for you for a second job.The pay is typically good (average hourly wages can range from $30-$50 per hour or more, depending on the project and your experience level). Plus, you can sometimes work on a per-project basis, allowing you to control how much additional work you take on, and work around your existing schedule.Childcare WorkerMost teachers have a background in and propensity for working with younger people, which may make employment as a childcare worker an easy transition for them. If you have a capacity for caring for children, then consider a second job as a childcare worker. You can often do this type of work with an agency or as a self-employed individual (meaning you can set your own fee scale and availability), and because peoples’ needs for childcare varies you can likely find work for whatever time of day makes sense for you.DriverAlthough this might not seem to be the most instinctual choice for a second job for teachers, take a moment to think about it. In the era of Uber, Lyft, and Seamless, the need for drivers and delivery people has never been greater, and you shouldn’t have a problem finding extra work. In addition, shifts are often available at night, early in the morning, or on weekends, which means you can pick up some extra pay without interrupting your teaching schedule. Also, after a tough, mentally taxing day of teaching, driving as a second job might be a nice change of pace.If you’re a teacher, you may not be looking forward to the idea of a second job, but it may be a necessity for you. If this is the case, you can make it easier on you by choosing your second job wisely. Use the information and ideas presented here to help you make the choice for a second job as easy as possible.